The Better Balance System For Relentless Achievers

Forge next-level Success While deepening your appreciation for life and cherished relationships

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You’ve broken so many promises to yourself and others that you’ll cut back on work and find more balance. But you don’t just want balance – you want success, health, connection, and deep meaning all at the same time. 

But that’s not what’s happening and you’re missing out on simple joys and creating memories with the ones you love. How much longer can you keep it up until things fall apart?

>> You need a better way that fits with your super-driven nature and doesn’t hold you back.


Discover the Better Balance System and find out how you can really have it all.

Does any of this sound like you?

❌ Overworked and Underwhelmed? 

You’re putting in countless hours but where’s the joy and satisfaction that comes with it? Are you too drained to enjoy your achievements?

❌ Hyper-focus Hitting Your Health? 

You push through endless to-do lists, extra cups of coffee get through the day, but there’s no end in sight and the burnout is relentless. Is your drive eating away at your health?

❌ Participating But Not Present? 

Your body’s there but your mind is elsewhere. Has it become difficult to be in the moment when you’re not working because your mind is always racing?

❌ Self-Care Not Really There? 

Focusing on yourself feels like a luxury you don’t have time for. But can you afford to put off your purpose, passions, and pleasure for “someday”?

❌ Missing Meaningful Moments? 

You can’t remember the last time you truly enjoyed a family meal. How many of life’s simple moments are you willing to miss?


Join me, and let’s unlock a new level of efficiency, effectiveness, and enjoyment for your life.

Hey there –

I’m Krysti

With over 20 years of experience as a mindset coach and spiritual teacher, I’ve seen firsthand how relentless ambition can lead to burnout and disconnection from what truly matters. As a mom of a 15-year-old daughter, I realized how quickly time flies and I didn’t want to miss precious moments with her while she’s still young.

My journey started with overworking and living in survival mode due to my husband’s mental health struggles, including drug addiction. Despite being the breadwinner and achieving great milestones, I was overwhelmed, caring for everyone, and doing too much. I used work as a distraction from the hurt and excelled in tasks that weren’t truly important. 

However, I began to understand that aligning my actions with my true self brought me back to a healthier, more connected version of myself. This transformation improved my relationships with my husband and daughter, making me more present and fulfilled.

That’s why I created this program—to help successful leaders like you reclaim your personal lives, embracing your authentic self, enjoy better health, have happier relationships, and create a fulfilling, soul-led life.

Let’s transform the way you work and live, so you can thrive without sacrificing your well-being or the connections that mean the most.


The Better Balance System

My method goes beyond balance, giving you the power to find joy in the work you do as well as outside of work so you can experience life at a deeper level. Open yourself to life beyond work and expectations, embrace your true desires, and make a bigger impact in the world.

Rediscover Your Authentic Self

Get in touch with your true passions and self-worth with a system to align tasks with your authentic values and reclaim joy and fulfillment beyond the grind.

Join my Better Balance System

The Better Balance System gives you the framework for intentional alignment. Elevate your life, deepen connections, find freedom to pursue what you love, and make a bigger impact. Live fully, love deeply, and achieve more without sacrificing success or fulfillment.

A 3-Week Intensive To Transform The Way You Work And Live

Week 1: Understanding Your Energy

We start by tracking your activities to identify patterns and triggers. Distinguishing actions driven by desire versus obligation or fear will ensure setting aligned goals that bring deeper fulfillment as you shift into a life guided by more passion and purpose.

What you’ll get: Energy and productivity guide, Energy audit tracker, Goal alignment planner

Week 2: Mapping Your Values and Impact

Begin with a life satisfaction assessment and map your tasks to your core values and the impact you want to make. Discover how to allocate your time and energy efficiently, align your actions with what truly matters to you, and focus on what brings genuine happiness and makes a meaningful difference.

What you’ll get: Life satisfaction assessment, Time management guide, Self-care checklist

Week 3: Implementing Sustainable Habits

Create a customized schedule prioritizing meaningful activities connected to both your achievements and your personal fulfillment. Identify and overcome the obstacles that have kept you stuck as you create a foundation for lasting success in all areas of your life as you build routines that support well-being, impact, and soulful vision.

What you’ll get: Success habits blueprint, Emotional wellness toolkit, Framework to overcome obstacles

Bonus: Inner Focus

Moving through the system, you allow yourself to fully understand your current situation and identify the best possible outcomes that align with who you want to be, how you want to feel, and what you want to experience. The inner focus, reflection, and affirmations will help deepen your connection to your deepest truths.

What you’ll get: Positive affirmations, reflection activities and prompts to deepen your connection to your true self

Lifetime Access

Unlimited access to all program materials, allowing you to revisit and utilize the resources whenever needed to maintain balance and fulfillment in your life.

What you’ll get: Positive affirmations, reflection activities and prompts to deepen your connection to your true self

This is your wake-up call.

The Better Balance System is your secret weapon to breaking free from the chains and truly living.

You’ll walk away with a custom process tailored to all the amazing things you do, plus the time to create deeper meaning and fulfillment with everything that’s important to you.

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