Bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

Bestselling author, spiritual mindset coach, and hypnotist

With over 20 years experience, Krysti Turznik helps successful leaders get their personal lives back on track as they transition into their authentic selves, embrace their power, overcome their subconscious obstacles, and live a soul-led life.

She is a #1 best-selling author, international speaker, hypnotist, spiritual teacher, and mindset coach.


Free tools to get out of your own way and create a life of deeper meaning and purpose.

Where are you stuck?

Discover which of the four stages of personal growth you’re experiencing and learn how well you’re living an and soul-led life life.

Move Beyond Constraints

Sometimes no matter what you do, you’re unable to reach your next level. Discover your path to break through your plateau.

Meditate with Krysti

Reconnect to the things that are important, experience inner peace, align with your purpose, and honor the life you’re meant to live.

Rediscover Yoursef

Take 10 days to deeper your self-love and appreciation for who you are and what makes you unique and wonderful.

Access your inner wisdom

Learn how to tap into the power of your subconscious mind to shift your limiting patterns, increase your confidence, and achieve your goals.

Align Your Beliefs

Empower yourself to transform limiting thoughts into powerful beliefs that support the goals and lifestyle you desire.

Women Entrepreneurs

Discover the roadmap to reach your financial milestones and business longevity, and have a meaningful personal life at the same time.

Take the Assessment

Discover how well you believe in yourself, your innate value and worth, and how much control of your life you feel you have.

Live the Life You’re Meant to Live.

Be Inspired By What Others Have to Say

Working with Krysti helped me identify and overcome hurdles I knew I couldn’t navigate on my own. I can honestly say that I now know what true transformation feels like – and it’s a beautiful thing. Thank you, Krysti!

– Jennifer M.

This one session did more than a year in psychotherapy… it was amazing!

– Harry K.

Krysti is an outstanding hypnotist. My sessions and workshops with her helped me tremendously as I was healing from my divorce. I highly recommend you contact her if you would like assistance in freeing yourself from bad habits or limiting thought patterns.

– Michelle

Working with Krysti has touched every aspect of my being, which was an awakening in itself. I have found true value in every dollar and in every moment spent with Krysti... Truly priceless!

– Kim S.

This entire day has been absolultely life-transformational. I can’t believe it.

– Tracey E.

This has been one of the best investments in myself that I’ve ever made! Thank you so much for everything! You have been so caring and supportive, and the insights gained… have been instrumental in my healing and growth.

– Michelle G.

Working with Krysti helped me identify and overcome hurdles I knew I couldn’t navigate on my own. I can honestly say that I now know what true transformation feels like – and it’s a beautiful thing. Thank you, Krysti!

– Jennifer M.

Saying yes to Krysti and taking time to do homework on “me,” was exactly what I needed. Krysti asks the right questions, has great insight, patience and a unique way of teaching and sharing her knowledge on the importance of self-love and getting rid of self-sabotage.

– Barb H.

Working with Krysti brings out the LIFE in me…I have a new outlook on life that includes a positive view of the future. I am much happier today. More grateful too.

– Lee T.

During these sessions I feel as though I got to the core issues that have continued to sabotage my ability to not only release weight but feel better and OK with myself.

– John K.

Krysti seems to have been born to teach this.

– Diane A.

I find that I’m learning something new about myself. I’ve come a long way in trusting myself, my inner voice, my dreams, my thoughts, my prayers, my future.

– Kim S.

There is no outer visual change to others, it is an internal shift where I can see things from a broader perspective and start to see how I may fit into this world – how my purpose could turn into something usable, after being dormant for many years.

– Phyllis A.

Hey Krysti, have not had one drop of alcohol since the day before I met you at your office. It’s working. By the way the weight is also coming off which is really cool.

– Stacey B.

A life changing experience – definitely want to continue this journey. A true gift.

– Jill H.

Dive Deeper

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Think about something you’d like guidance on, then pick a card from The Ocean Oracle card deck.

You’re helping everyone else…

Who’s helping you?

You’re successful in so many areas of your life… it’s time to get your personal life back on track so you can have deeper relationships, better health, and be the person you feel inspired to be.  

You don’t have to do it alone.  Let’s connect and talk about getting you the support you need (so you can make an even greater impact in those things that are important to you).

1:1  Private Coaching

Together we’ll help you gain the clarity and insight you need to identify your deepest desires, overcome your limitations, and cultivate the confidence and action plan to achieve it.


Work with Me

Private 1:1 with Krysti

Align with Destiny

A 3-month coaching program to help you transition into your authentic self, embrace your power, overcome inner obstacles, and live a soul-led life.

The Sacred Soul

A membership program to guide you to connect more deeply with your soul, enhance your spiritual practice, & align with like-minded community.

Coach in Your Corner

Need a quick breakthrough or a tune up? This private 1:1 session plus 30 days of support with the Krysti will keep your growth and momentum moving forward.

Clarity Intensive

VIP Deep Dive

Fast-track your growth and dive deep into that one thing that has been blocking your success so you can achieve accelerated results.

this is from me to you

When Success Feels Empty

When Success Feels Empty

You’ve worked hard. You’ve checked all the boxes. Maybe you’ve even surpassed your own expectations. From the outside, your life looks like a success. But deep inside, something still feels off. Does that sound familiar?...

Breaking Free from Burnout

Breaking Free from Burnout

You may not even realize it, but burnout has a way of creeping up on you. It disguises itself as productivity or dedication, masking the deeper exhaustion and disconnection slowly building beneath the surface. Maybe...

You’re Ready… but You’re Hesitating

You’re Ready… but You’re Hesitating

Have you ever felt that deep pull, knowing you're on the verge of something bigger, yet find yourself holding back? It’s an uncomfortable place to be... feeling ready for change but unable to take that first step. Maybe...

Stop the Overwhelm & Burnout

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Shift from Chaos to Calm

Learn to find your peaceful center within.

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Success, Soul & Authentic Living:

Discover your path to break through your plateau & embrace soul-led success.

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Tune into your innermost Self and

create the life you desire!

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Transform your limiting beliefs into

empowering aligned beliefs that

support your growth.

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Discover the strategy to create business longevity, reach your financial milestones, and have a meaningful personal life.

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