I feel so deeply blessed to be able to support truly wonderful and amazing people who are stepping into their highest potential and becoming the best version of themselves possible.
The heart felt words below share just a few of the experiences from over the past 20 years they’ve had from working with me.

Working with Krysti brings out the LIFE in me…deep within there is a relaxed, beautiful, intelligent woman. Time with Krysti…renews that feeling. It brings a renewed sense of self confidence. Before… I felt crushed and used by those who love me, living paycheck to paycheck, truly stuck in a rut. I learned…..My dreams will become reality ONLY when I live them. Everything is a choice. A choice to succeed or to just get by, to be successful…or just get by. Since working with Krysti, I have experienced a new found success in my professional life…I need to expand my focus of success now to my personal life. As a result…
• I have a new outlook on life that includes a positive view of the future. I am much happier today. More grateful too.
• Within the first two weeks of class, I received a cash award due to me – simply by claiming it.
• Since class, professional opportunities have unexpectedly come my way. They present at my doorway without my solicitation.
This entire day has been absolultely life-transformational. I can’t believe it.
With each meeting, I find that I’m learning something new about myself. I’ve come a long way in trusting myself, my inner voice, my dreams, my thoughts, my prayers, my future. At times, I felt as though I was not progressing as fast as I had hoped. But, through the process, I’ve learned that it’s my timetable that matters, no one else’s. The changes have been overwhelming. Working with Krysti has touched every aspect of my being, which was an awakening in itself. I have found true value in every dollar and in every moment spent with Krysti, and with the multitude of hours spent researching, reading, learning, growing and moving forward in my direction. The tools that Krysti utilizes are varied and cause you to use different parts of your brain. The tools open you up to different types of thinking. An open mind allows new ideas to flow more freely. Truly priceless!
This has been one of the best investments in myself that I’ve ever made! Thank you so much for everything! You have been so caring and supportive, and the insights gained… have been instrumental in my healing and growth.
Saying yes to Krysti and taking time to do homework on “me,” was exactly what I needed. Krysti asks the right questions, has great insight, patience and a unique way of teaching and sharing her knowledge on the importance of self-love and getting rid of self-sabotage.
Krysti is aiding me in following my path, and I’m learning so much about myself and truly what it is that I desire in a career… Krysti’s guidance is incredible: not pushy, strong, comforting, understanding, educated, determined, focused…
The three most significant improvements thanks to Krysti are 1) Self acceptance and discovery. 2) Learning to listen to my inner voice and not miss the clues. This has been shocking. So many questions are answered, and I’ve missed them for years. I’ve learned how to listen, how to grasp the answers, how to meditate, how to find the “me” that got lost along the way of life while raising children, working, marriage and more. 3) Strength to believe in myself, to be the person I truly am, to grow into that person I dream of for others too, and not lose myself along the way.
This one session did more than a year in psychotherapy… it was amazing!
I knew I wanted to make some changes in my life. I also knew I was standing in my own way. Working with Krysti helped me identify and overcome hurdles I knew I couldn’t navigate on my own. I can honestly say that I now know what true transformation feels like – and it’s a beautiful thing. Thank you, Krysti!
You gave me new tools to use in order to help in my shift and time of transition… A combination of many healing practices and much self-work has helped me change and grow inside. There is no outer visual change to others, it is an internal shift where I can see things from a broader perspective and start to see how I may fit into this world – how my purpose could turn into something usable, after being dormant for many years.
During these sessions I feel as though I got to the core issues that have continued to sabotage my ability to not only release weight but feel better and OK with myself.
Hey Krysti, have not had one drop of alcohol since the day before I met you at your office. It’s working. By the way the weight is also coming off which is really cool.
A life changing experience – definitely want to continue this journey. A true gift. Thank you for caring.
Krysti seems to have been born to teach this… Not only is she incredibly calm and able to bring me into relaxation, but she is so confident in what she is teaching.

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Aligning with Destiny may just be one of the most defining moments in your life…
It’ can be the moment you choose something more for yourself and will no longer settle for a life less than the one that’s worthy of you and your potential and start to creatie a life that inspires you and honors your soul, strengthens your relationships, and puts deep meaning back into your life.
I feel I have gained knowledge from this course that I didn’t have before. My whole perspective on (this) has changed completely!!
Have certainly turned on the “awareness switch”… Am conscious of reasons why reaching for food.
Very powerful and peaceful at the same time – confidence building… felt very accepted.
Very insightful – helped me to see my blocks and how and why I sabotage myself. Great techniques to use going forward. THANK YOU!
I feel the class helped me especially with self talk and wanting to and enjoying exercise. That is a huge. Thank you for all you do.
I feel like I’ve only just begun to get at what’s eating me. But I feel open to the possibilities – this was the beginning of my journey. Thank you!
Krysti, Just wanted to say thank you again and let you know how I’m doing from your one on one session almost 1and 1/2 years ago….Still not smoking and I think I have finally beat the habit, thanks to you.
I most enjoyed the feeling of connection to my inner self… a wonderful experience. I feel self-hypnosis will help me in many areas beyond weight loss.
[Hip replacement] Surgery went very well! I believe all of the things I worked on with you was helpful. I had gotten a good nights sleep before surgery and felt rested and ready to go in the morning… In talking with the surgical staff, my daughter said that they were all amazed. I had less than half the normal amount of blood loss for that type of surgery. My pain after the surgery was very manageable. The first time they got me up after surgery, yet that afternoon, I did not have near the amount of pain as the last time. All in all the pain was at a lower level than I remember from the last time [previous hip replacement surgery]. By Wednesday [surgery was on Monday] I was just taking Extra Strength Tylenol instead of the Oxycodone. Physical Therapy went very well at the hospital and continues to go well here at home. I’m glad I had the experience and will continue to use the self-hypnosis for other areas of my life. Thank you!
My daughter suffered from “self-derealization” and “depersonalization”. It’s a very strange disorder. It’s basically when a person has a “panic attack” but suddenly doesn’t know anyone around them or where they are. Nothing looks “real”. The person panics and gets the “fight or flight” sense, then when they come out of it, they are extremely upset and feel like that “was it, they were never going to come out of it”, but somehow came back… then she would spend weeks waiting for it to happen again. In the beginning it was happening daily… I took her to therapists and that didn’t help at all! She got worse! They told her she would need to just deal with this for the rest of her life. They never made her feel “positive” that it would ever go away. Our Church started praying for her and all of our friends and family prayed for her. She could NOT pray for herself because she could NEVER let her mind relax.. because those were the times it would go into these panic moments… So the prayers were, “Please help Alexa to calm her mind enough to be able to pray and not have to deal with these attacks.” A week after we took her to a Farmers Market and there was Krysti! We actually walked by her the first time not thinking that “Hypnotism” could possibly work, but my husband said, “what else do we have left to try?” So we went back and talked to her. We decided to do it! It has CHANGED her life! Mind over Matter!! She will “retrain” your mind to think Positively and not always worry about this. Recently she posted this on her Facebook page and I was so relieved! I’ve seen a change in her but she NEVER discusses it because it brings it back in her memory.. This is what [my daughter] wrote:
I came to the realization that my life is actually really good right now. The past 2 years were a struggle but I’m finally me again. I used to be one of those girls who would be insecure and jealous by all the little things. But right now I couldn’t be any happier of who I am. I’m so proud of who I am. I also have the best friends and family. Who have supported me even when I wasn’t feeling ok and I can never thank them enough for that. I feel like I’m figuring out things and have a job which is really great. I know if I ever struggle there is a whole wall of back-up here if I need it. So thanks everyone I love you !