My end of the year ritual

The end of 2021 is in sight and it’s time to turn the page and start on your new chapter.  

But first, I recommend taking some time to reflect upon what you’ve experienced this past year to end it on a high note.  If you’ve had a good year, it’s time to celebrate.  If things didn’t go as planned, then this ritual is especially important if you’ve had challenges or hard times.  

The most powerful idea to remember is that you have the power to shift things so your life can be different (whatever that means to you).  You can change your experiences and have wonderful new opportunities this coming year.

So let’s end the year with this profound and powerful ritual.

Make a list of all the things that went well this year.  It doesn’t matter if they are big or small, let’s name them.  Think of everything that made you feel proud, happy, or fulfilled.  

I’m proud I… (list things that made you stretch and grow).
I’m happy I accomplished… (list your goals completed).
I dealt with…
I put boundaries in place for…
I enjoyed (list whatever made you happy).

List all of your successes and accomplishments from the year. This is a time to shine a light on everything you did well this year.  Don’t be shy or modest, let yourself toot your own horn, and show yourself how amazing you are.  Make your list as big as you like but aim for at least 25 positive reflections.

Make another list of the things that didn’t go quite as well as you hoped and explore how they could have gone differently. Identify how you might shift your actions or beliefs so that in the future your outcomes could be more aligned with your desires.  Look at this list without criticism or judgement, blame or shame.  This is simply an opportunity to learn and grow.

Keep asking, “What else?” until you feel complete with your lists.  

Then, give yourself some space to open and expand your heart to discover what you’d like to call into your life for the coming year.

If you want to spend some time over the next few days connecting with a new vision of abundance for yourself in 2022, then I’ve got a free gift for you.

Click here to listen to my “10,000 Forests” meditation to visualize abundance and prosperity all around you and the potentiality at your fingertips.
I’m excited for what we can create together in 2022 and I can’t wait to see what your alignment breakthrough looks like.

Take care and thanks for being part of our community.

Lots of love,

P.S. If your personal growth or spiritual connection have stalled this year, or just not grown as quickly as you had hoped, then what I’m working on is going to be perfect for you.

I’m recording new videos in the upcoming weeks and I have a new program coming in a couple months all about breaking through your plateau or to the next level of alignment, fulfillment, and impact in the new year.

Watch this space – I’m excited for us to kick off the year together and release any feelings of overwhelm, discontent, or uncertainty around how you can live your greatest potential.

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