When I am moving through any difficult time it often helps when I focus on finding the nugget. I’m referring to the nugget of gold that shines with the lesson of what I’m learning or how I’m growing by going through this particular uncomfortable situation.
Sometimes you may have to look a little bit harder or a little bit deeper but the nugget is eventually exposed and available for your taking, if you are willing to do the work.
We have developed an aversion to feeling uncomfortable. We tell ourselves things will be better someday.
We always want things to be just the way we want them, and all too often we get hung up in our pity party of why things are so bad or how horrible things are going to be because of this or that.
Here’s the key. When you shift into honoring the discomfort and start digging in, that’s where you find the real treasure.
There you’ll find the things that matter to you. The things that are important to you, that speak to your heart. Anything that helps you shift more fully into yourself is a valuable gift. For those things you can be grateful.
That’s when your Someday… can start today.
It’s time to stop hiding and going through the motions, and actually look at your life.
You’re running on empty with work, school runs, endless dinners, kids literally pulling at you for attention, then your partner comes home and wants attention, homework checks, read the books, get the kids to bed, and at the end of the day you’ve provided services for everyone but yourself, again.
This is not living.
❓Aren’t you tired of thinking “Someday” my life will be different?
👉 Become your own steady source of inner peace, joy, and contentment
👉 Get clear on what you want and create an action plan to achieve it
👉 Strengthen your confidence to step out of your comfort zone
👉 Reclaim ownership of your life
👉 Say “YES” to living your life on purpose with passion
This is all possible, closer, and easier than you think with Someday Starts Today
I’ve made this 5-week program super affordable so it’s an easy yes for you. It’s only $397. We start March 25, 2019
Be more peaceful, calm, and centered, so that no matter what happens in your life you’ll feel like you’re on solid ground and can take it all in stride…
Module 1: Diving Deep into Who You Are
Module 2: Flowing into Forgiveness and Self-Acceptance
Module 3: Challenging the Tide of Your Beliefs
Module 4: Charting the Waters of Your Destiny
Module 5: The Confidence to Set Sail
You’ll get 5 beautiful group healing sessions with me, deep hypnotic meditations, affirmations, journaling prompts, and powerful self-development strategies, plus permission to move through these steps and create a life you don’t need to escape from, plus the blueprint on how make it happen, plus the love and support of community…
Isn’t it time your Someday Starts Today?
All the best,
P.S. You deserve to wake up each day filled with joy and excitement about what the day will bring. Comment below with any questions or schedule a complimentary Discovery Session and I’ll be sure to answer any questions you have about how you can benefit from Someday Starts Today.