You’re working too hard with not much to show for it

Sometimes it can feel like you work all day but have nothing to show for it.

Has that ever happened to you?

Yet somehow, as you reflect back upon your day, you know you’ve been busy without a moment to rest.  But being busy is not the same as being efficient or productive.  

You might spend your time and energy focusing on smaller things because you can see and feel an instant reward once they’re completed, but those smaller things might not be the most important things for you to be spending you inner and outer resources upon.

The things you want to be focusing on are those that are going to make the biggest impact in whatever it is you’re doing.

That’s why it’s so important to identify your goals and priorities (for work and life), boundaries and personal responsibilities, and the underlying reasons why you’re doing each of the things you’re spending time on each day so you can make adjustments as necessary.

Determine if you are doing each activity because it’s what’s required in order to get the results you want or if you’re doing them because you’ve always done them, don’t know how to release them or hand them off to someone else, or because they’re things that others expect you to do.

Because chances are that you’re working way too hard without much to show for it when the latter  reasons happen.  It’s also a very real possibility to have external success while being internally depleted and unfulfilled, which very quickly leads to overwhelm and burnout.

Taking on more than you should, doing things when you have no passion for them, when you’ve outgrown them, or when they no longer serve your ultimate purpose or goals often results in unnecessary stress and pressure.  

It doesn’t matter if it’s waking up for an early morning meeting, doing your accounting, going to the gym, doing the dishes, or carpooling the neighborhood kids.

You’re not meant to be doing anything and everything in this world.  There are specific skills and talents that are uniquely yours.  The more of those things you can do, the happier you’ll be.  When you invest yourself in more of those things, you’ll also be positively influencing others around you because you’re in your zone of genius and spending more time doing what you’re meant to do in the world.

If you’re not engaging in the activities you deem necessary in order to achieve the outcomes you’ve set for yourself, then it’s time for a heart to heart with yourself and most likely others as well.  

Give yourself permission to be real and honest with yourself to determine the things that light you up, are non-negotiable, and what you’re ready to let go of and then communicate that to anyone involved.

Truth be told, not everyone may be happy when you start making some changes so you can align more closely with what feels desirable and necessary for you.  More than likely the people who will be impacted when you start making shifts in your life have become comfortable and familiar with the status quo you’ve allowed up to this point and will feel resistance during a transition to a new balance. 

Push through any discomfort you (or they) may feel so that your true desires can come to the forefront. 

When that happens, you’ll have an abundance of joy, success, and a beautiful livelihood to show for it.

You deserve nothing less.

Lots of love,


P.S. Ready to make your priorities a priority?  Let’s talk

One conversation could change your life and this just might be the one that does.  Book a no-cost call and let’s explore what that would look like for you to fully align all areas of your life.  You deserve it.

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