When was the last time you really felt your love for yourself?
If you’re like most people, it’s easier to extend your love to people, places, and passions than it is to offer your love inwardly. We’ve been conditioned to believe that it’s selfish to put ourselves first, to prioritize our needs, or to focus our time, energy, or money on ourselves. We’ve become imbalanced in our thinking that it can only be one or the other, rather than both.
Your love can (and must) be directed outwardly so you can make the impact you were born to make, yet your love needs to begin with yourself first.
One of the highest acts of self-love you can give to yourself is your own personal growth. It’s a demonstration of your inner belief in your innate worthiness and potential, and the possibilities that await you.
Deeply loving yourself can be the catalyst you need to initiate positive change and transformation in your life. It can cause you to take stock of the elements and individuals in your life and evaluate how they relate to the life you feel called to live.
In the process of building a stronger sense of self-love, you reveal the layers you’ve built around yourself. You allow yourself to take off the armor you’ve used to protect yourself because you learn a new way of keeping yourself happy and safe.
You become empowered to reach your full potential and feel inspired to transcend to your next level of personal and professional success so you can experience greater happiness, financial reward, impact, time and lifestyle freedom, stronger relationships, and a healthier body.
But none of that can happen if you don’t love yourself more.
What got you here to this place in your life won’t get you beyond your current plateau of fulfillment.
The roadmap to deeper self-love, connection, and appreciation of who you are begins with these five steps:
1.  Overcome Self-Doubt and Your Inner Critic
Cultivate an awareness of the way you think and speak about yourself.  Your life will grow and expand only to the level of success you believe you are worthy of receiving. Chances are that the core subconscious beliefs you have about yourself are incongruent with the goals you consciously desire. That misalignment causes you to doubt yourself and your abilities, and sets your inner critic into action anytime you try to expand beyond your current life experiences.  When you transform your underlying beliefs, your inner voice automatically becomes your best advocate as you reach and grow into your next best version of yourself.
2. Build a Positive Self-Image
Your self-image is a direct reflection of your core inner beliefs. As you reprogram your subconscious thoughts and patterns, the way you view yourself naturally transforms as a result. This shift causes you to feel differently about yourself, your abilities, and your importance in the world so that you begin to take actions that will move you closer to everything you wish to achieve.
3. Set Boundaries
An empowered mindset allows you to confidently set healthy boundaries that arise from a place of clarity and desire for who you are and what you want out of life. You no longer are reactive to the events of the world but instead allow your inner authority to guide you without unjustly settling or sacrificing yourself with poor boundaries that erode your self-worth.
4. Cultivate Self-Compassion
Give yourself the grace and the space to allow yourself to do your best, to make mistakes, to follow your inner guidance, and to become who you are meant to be. With that compassion comes the permission to not have to have everything figured out or done perfectly. It allows you the opportunity to be human and to remember that you’re doing your best.
5. Surround Yourself with Positive Influences
Allow yourself to be surrounded by beauty and positive influences that will uplift you. Invite those who are rooting for your success and happiness to play a bigger part in your life.  It’s better to have no one rather than someone who will drag you down and limit you. The deep support that comes from those who can see a bigger picture for you than the life you’re living can transform your life for the better. They’ll help to hold that vision of your potential and becoming who you’re meant to be until you remember and believe it yourself.
Lean into deeper self-love.  Start wherever you are on your path, even if it’s the smallest amount of love possible, and nurture it every day.
The more you honor yourself, the more beautiful life becomes.
Sending love,
P.S. When you’re ready, here are 2 ways I can help you master the art of self-love and unleash your true potential:
1. VIDEO SERIES. My 3-part video series will help you uncover the missing pieces that have been keeping you stuck so you can feel more deeply fulfilled and step into your highest potential & your big vision. CLICK HERE.
2. Apply for my Mentorship and Coaching Program, Align with Destiny. If you feel a calling to love yourself more completely and live your purpose in a more meaningful way, Align with Destiny might be the right fit for you. CLICK HERE TO APPLY.