#1 thing that will help you heal the past

Want to know the #1 thing that will help you heal the past?

You don’t need countless therapy sessions (although that may help).

It’s not necessary to convey your pain to the person who inflicted it upon you, either (although that may help, too).

Nor must you suck it up, stuff it down, and harp on yourself to just get over it (that will never help).

What you do need comes down to one thing…


It doesn’t matter if the hurt you experienced was caused by another or if you were the one that dealt it to another or even to yourself.  The forgiveness you give is for you and you alone so that you can shift out of the trauma or guilt of the experience and into a state of inner peace.  

It’s about reconnecting to your deepest essence and the wisdom that everything is unfolding in perfect timing for your best and highest good.

Holding onto the past stifles you from reaching your fullest potential because so much of your energy and attention is caught up maintaining your attachment to the story of it.

That’s why it’s so important to deal with it head on.

Your most direct path to the freedom that comes with healing the past is to acknowledge it, move through it, and let it go.

Your energy, motivation, and internal well-being will be transformed when you release the drama and mental burden you’ve been carrying.

Your negative connection to it will be neutralized so that you can look back upon your experience without the emotional charge attached to it.  At that point, it simply becomes part of your experience and one of the lessons that have made you into the person you are today. 

Allow yourself to safely work through the big feelings that come up as you connect to the situation.  

  • Be willing to truthfully see it for what it was. Create a mountaintop view type of awareness so you can identify all the aspects that came together to produce this result.
  • Take personal responsibility for the part you played in the situation, without criticism or judgment. Label the beliefs or behaviors that lead to it.  
  • Notice the ways in which you’ve been impacted by it and how it shows up in your life today. Determine the areas of your life where you now play small, settle for less, or aren’t true to yourself.
  • Soothe yourself with the words you need to hear or the emotions you need to feel. You may choose to write out everything you wish would have been different and what you longed for instead.
  • Find the deeper spiritual insight that this experience offers you. Identify what you have learned about yourself, your values, and your desires because of it.

Then be willing to untether yourself from the memory so you can be free.  The practice of Ho’oponopono can help you clear away the internal clutter so you can return to self once more.  I’m sorry.  Please forgive me.  Thank you.  I love you.

My wish for you is that you give yourself permission to take the lessons of your life forward with you, but leave behind everything that does not serve you well.

Your life and purpose in this world are far too important for you to be stuck in the past.

There is so much love, joy, and fulfillment waiting for you to claim it.

Say YES and let it all flow to you in wonderous ways.

Sending love,

Krysti xo

P.S.  I’ve helped hundreds of successful spiritual women (and heart-centered men) to live an empowered life by releasing the limitations that are holding them back from their highest potential, and I’d love to help you too.  Let’s talk so we can find out more about your situation and what you dream of accomplishing, and let’s see if I can help.

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