It feels so good

Doesn’t it feel good to be at the beginning of a brand new year?  I know for me it feels so full of possibilities… like there is so much waiting to be discovered and experienced. It feels full of light and energy… and hope.

For me and my family, 2016 was one of significant change and loss, as well as growth and opportunity. Some days it took all I could to keep putting one foot in front of the other with the faith that things were unfolding as they should, with a greater purpose than what I saw in front of me.  The path I thought I was on at the beginning of the year was nowhere near where I found myself at the end.

Was it like that for you, too?

Years like that definitely challenge you.  They challenge your beliefs and your abilities, and most certainly challenge you to grow.

What I was reminded of this last year was that the way you experience something is entirely dependent upon you.

You can make things difficult for yourself and resist what is in front of you (whether or not you like what is happening).  You can become so focused on what you are experiencing that you may forget the others that are involved in that same experience.  You can choose to see the darkness before you as an opportunity to step closer to the light of truth.  You can join together with others that are experiencing the same thing as you.  You can choose love.  You can choose trust.  You can choose to have faith.

What I also discovered was that when you integrate all parts of yourself into the things you love, then things unfold more quickly and easily.  There’s an inner resonance that can be felt when you align yourself to your truth.  Not the truth others tell you is true, but that which you feel for yourself.  But sometimes we also unknowingly feel we need someone to give us permission to do so.  Some beautiful souls have done that for me recently, and if I may be so bold, I would like to do that for you.

You have permission to become more fully who you were meant to be.  You have permission to live life more fully.  You have permission to have more peace in your life… more power… more purpose… and more passion.  I invite you to live each day like it’s a day at the beach… carefree, trusting in the rhythm and wisdom of the Universe, with the sun shining upon you.

The waves of life will continue to wash upon the shore. Some days they will be soft and gentle and others they will crash upon the sand in a show of power and might.  But when you have the ability to make magic out of mayhem, then you have truly mastered the power of your mindset.

I invite you to join me in my new 9-week virtual program, Making Mindset Magic.

Let me teach you how to harness your innate power and get clear on what it is you want to do, have, and be, so that you can live your life more fully with clarity, peace, and passion.  You can find more details here.  We start in just over two and a half weeks so check it out right away.

You don’t have to let the waves of life toss you about.  Take ownership and decide what you would like this New Year to offer you. Remember, just like the ocean can offer you shell at your feet, if you don’t reach out and grab it the opportunity will soon be lost.  I hope you’ll join me.

Here’s to unlocking your potential and experiencing your possibilities in this New Year!

P.S.  I just joined Instagram!  I’m still trying to figure it out, and once I do I’ll be posting lots of great things there.  I’d love for you to join me there.

P.S.  I know this may not be for everyone and that’s totally cool. If you’re not interested in working with me, just ignore this and I look forward to serving you with my mindset strategies and reflections. On the other hand, if you’re even the slightest bit curious about coaching with me then go ahead and click this link. This may be the defining moment in your life that you’ve been waiting for.

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