How are you showing up?

So much goodness has been showing up lately.  There have been so many different opportunities presenting themselves in the last two months especially, that mirror back to me how I am showing up in the world (and what I’m asking for). So many different opportunities to say YES to myself and my purpose, and to really step into the person I wish to become.

It’s not always easy to say YES, and quite often it’s very uncomfortable. It’s often saying YES to the things you haven’t yet perfected but know will help move you forward towards your big (BIG) goals.

What I’m discovering with even greater clarity is that the more you say YES, the easier it gets.  The more you open yourself to stepping into that bigger version of yourself – to the version of you that you came here to be – the more the universe backs that up and supports you.  It’s quite magical actually to watch it unfold with such grace.

I encourage you to ask yourself how you are showing up for yourself. Are you clear on where you are heading? What steps have you taken to help you move forward?  In what ways can you say YES to the opportunities that come to you?  How can you get there faster?

One of my big visions this year is to share my message and my gifts with loads more seekers, just like you.  I’m here to make a big impact and have that ripple effect spread forward in uncountable ways.  I believe this is one of my spiritual life purposes.

My own coach is challenging me to dream a bigger dream and guiding me how to live my truth more completely.  My life will never be the same – I believe more fully in who I am and I know it’s making a difference in how I’m showing up for you.

I invite you to do the same.

If you are at all considering upleveling your life… if you have done everything you can but still don’t know how to make those big shifts happen, reply to this email.  If it feels like the world wants more than what you have to give, if you are stretched thin and running on empty, if your body is giving you signals that you cannot ignore, please reach out.

I have openings for 3 new clients and I would be honored to help you discover the truth of who you are and show you how to step more fully into your dreams.  A $3,000 scholarship is available for those who need it.  Drop me an email if you’re interested in creating a life you don’t need to escape from.

Wishing you all the best,

P.S.  Here’s the link to learn more about working 1:1 with me

P.S.S  I was interviewed on The Intuitive Woman podcast with Tina Conroy and we talked about shadows, life lessons and mindset. I loved this conversation. We talked metaphysical, physical, spiritual, and everything in between including how to puts our shadows in the light. Listen here

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