It’s time to remember

During the worst part of my husband’s drug addiction, I left. I gathered my courage, packed up our daughter, and drove across the country on the family vacation I had planned for months for all of us to enjoy.

I was terrified and angry, devastated and determined, and hoped there would be some resolution by the time I returned.
Hours of driving on some of the most monotonous highways left an opportunity for deep introspection. I dove into my thoughts and beliefs, boundaries and expectations, and all the desires and outcomes I knew would take place if this happened or that didn’t. 

I tapped into my light. I remembered more deeply who I was. 

I discovered an inner strength within me I wasn’t certain I could rely upon, but it was there stronger than I realized it would be. I returned more complete with a newfound sense of trust and confidence in myself and my abilities. I began to make choices from a place of love, desire, and faith rather than from limitation and fear. I felt powerful. And in control. I knew I was able to face the future with deeper grace and honesty. 

My husband had spent the time we were gone starting his own journey into recovery. He, too, began to rediscover himself. 

We are learning to walk this new path together and are open to where this experience will lead us. There is always a blessing in the darkness – in those moments of complete darkness, remember the light is always there so keep searching until you find it.

If you or someone you know is dealing with drug addiction, please seek support. You are not alone.  There is always hope and a way through.

Much love.


P.S. If you need help reconnecting with your truth and your power, I invite you to schedule a complimentary Discovery Session to learn how I may be able to help support you.

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