Why my forgiveness is better than yours

There is so much discord and unhappiness taking place right now.  I see so much of it in the eyes of strangers as well as the most people I’ve been talking with.  Maybe you’ve been feeling it, too?

So much darkness is coming to light.  The lies, deception, falseness, redirection, broken promises, burdens, and betrayals…

Maybe it’s just that we’ve been forced us to look deeper within lately and are finally allowing ourselves to see what has been under our noses this whole time.

Maybe we have reached our breaking point and know something needs to change.
Maybe this time we are willing to see things with much greater clarity and insight.

Maybe the masks we’ve worn are finally falling off and we are beginning to truly understand ourselves and our lives more intimately.

We can stop the masquerade.
We can finally stop pretending.
We can allow the truth to be revealed.

It doesn’t matter if the betrayal is one we cast or if it comes from another.  

It’s easy to fall into blame and shame.  Yet those get you no closer to resolving the underlying core issues. It’s the erosion of your confidence, your belief in yourself and the choices you make, and the trust you have in yourself or another.  It’s the grief over the loss of what was or what could be.  It’s the uncertainty of how to move forward with the new knowledge and what it means for your life when you make different choices.

Ultimately, there are three types of betrayal that we encounter:

  • The one you impose upon another from your own wrongdoings.
  • The one you receive from another from their wrongdoings.
  • The one you violate yourself with from your own misalignment.

It comes from not listening to the inner guidance that whispers to you of something not quite right.  It comes from allowing yourself to be put into a place where your values or agreements are not honored.  Where you yourself are not honored.

What I’ve come to learn as true is that the most significant betrayal of all comes down to this last but most somber offense – it is the one that causes you to disconnect with the truth of who you are.  It’s the conflict that arises between your ego and your soul when you allow outside events to influence how you show up in the world and allow your light to be dimmed.

In the end, it doesn’t matter as much who the betrayer was.
You may never receive or grant the forgiveness from or of another.  Yet the choice is yours whether or not you are willing to forgive yourself.

This is why MY forgiveness is better than yours.

When you are willing to forgive the trespasses made against you, by yourself or from another, your whole world will change.  You will heal on a deeper level than you realize you were wounded.

Forgiveness of yourself and the part you played in the situation is what truly enables a transformation.  It allows you to get clear on where you got off track and what you need to do to realign with your deepest and highest self.  It is a shift from perceiving yourself as a victim to someone who is empowered with choices.

Sending you lots of love,

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P.S.  If you’ve ever thought about working with me, now is a perfect time to book a Clarity Call.  I only work with a handful of clients so that I can help them create incredible shifts and lifelong transformations in their lives.  There are only a few spaces left so if you’re sitting on the fence wondering if now is the right time to get support, book a call with me and let’s talk.

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  • LinkedInhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/krystiturznik/

In today’s video I talk with you about permission. 

Permission to witness who you are, permission to understand what your life is filled with, permission to choose something different that is more aligned with your deepest desires. 

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