Are You Doing It To Yourself?

Your wish is my command.

More than likely you’ve heard about the placebo effect – believing something is positive and beneficial without it actually being so.  Sugar pills and sham surgeries have demonstrated the power of the mind to influence a positive outcome despite there being no therapeutic value.

When the mind believes something to be true, it creates the outcome that is in alignment with that belief.

Yet the same thing is true for the nocebo effect – believing something is negative and harmful.  Its Latin translation literally means “I shall harm” (compared to the placebo translation meaning “I shall please”).

The negative expectations you hold for yourself and what is or isn’t possible for you will impact what you are able to experience and achieve in your life.  Simply put, thoughts become things.

You can often be your own worst enemy.

Does everything worthwhile come with struggle or can it be easy?
Is it possible to have a successful career and healthy home life at the same time?
Do you believe it is possible for you to be happy, fulfilled, and make a positive impact with your life or must your purpose remain elusive to you?

It’s easy to look outside ourselves and cast blame for why things are the way they are.  Yet the gold is discovered inside yourself.

In your heart of hearts, where are you limiting yourself and your possibilities because you are thinking (and expecting) the worst outcomes?  In what ways do you stop yourself before you fully commit?  How would a shift in the way you think about things impact your life?

Start by taking an honest look at your thoughts to discover where you may be getting in your own way.  Then make a shift in what you’ll choose to believe about yourself and your possibilities.

Cheering you on,

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P.S. If you’re ready to stop the struggle but don’t know how to do it on your own, then let’s talk.  I’ll hold the space for you to share your situation and biggest struggles, and together we’ll figure out a way to solve it.  It’s my gift to you – no cost and no pressure.  Just a conversation to help you get clear and some next steps.  Book your Clarity Call here.

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