I’ve had some deep lessons the last few weeks about the importance of maintaining strong boundaries in life.
A spiritual advisor I was working with reflected back to me that my boundaries have been somewhat wobbly lately and that’s why some things have been coming up in my life and business.
Too little rest… too little play… too little self-love.
I had fallen into a pattern that so many women are experiencing, especially right now – so many things to juggle, so much to do, and so much requiring attention that it’s easy to keep pushing through until everything is finished. Managing the endless needs of everyone and everything else besides myself.
Maybe you’ve been feeling this in your life, too?
As a result, I wasn’t as happy as I’d been. It took more energy and effort to get out of bed each morning. I was frustrated easier and I wasn’t as engaged as I wanted to be. I unknowingly lost a bit of the spark that fueled my life and passion. Yet it took someone on the outside to show me what I couldn’t see clearly myself (even though I knew something was off).
It was a wake up call.  A reminder that our own self-care is vitally important if we are to change the world.
I do believe that’s what we’re here for… to have an impact. To leave a legacy. A footprint on the consciousness of humanity that we’ll leave after we are gone.
Because the time will come when it’s our time to pass beyond the known and into the unknown.  And when it’s your time, let there be no regrets.
You can build better boundaries that remind you of your own importance. You can replenish your spirit and make yourself a priority. You can remind yourself that each day is meant to be fully lived so you can do the things you’re meant to do in life.
Boundaries are a great act of self-love. I believe in you, your legacy, and your highest self. It’s time to go all in.
What’s the first step you’ll take?
Cheering you on with lots of love,
P.S. If you’re all in, reply comment below and let me know what your legacy will be.
If you need help with this just reach out and tell me where you’re getting stuck.