Radical Self-Care when you have no time

This is a matter of radical self-care.  You don’t need to be doing more, you need to be more.

I had spent weeks trying to finalize a project I was working on but it felt like I was slogging through deep mud.  No matter how hard I pushed, shifted, or tried new things, it just wasn’t coming together as I knew it could.

For a high-achieving woman like myself, this was profoundly unacceptable.  I do the hard work, put in the time, step out of my comfort zone, and I can always find a way.  That’s just how I’m wired.  So when it wasn’t working, I talked with my mentor about it.

I was looking for the key to reveal the hidden strategy to lead me to success.  That’s when she said, “This is a matter of radical self-care.  You don’t need to do more, you need to be more.”

For a highly ambitious woman, this was not what I wanted to hear.

The masculine energy of accomplishment and visible results is easy to get caught up in.  It can make you feel like you’re getting things done and moving your goals forward.

Yet the reminder was the exact key that would unlock everything else.

The feminine energy of receiving, nurturing, and non-action is just as important. The quantum level of our world is activated by the energy of slowing down, looking within, and caring for yourself.

So when you have no time, that’s when you have to make the time.  When it feels like something is missing on the outside, it’s an invitation to discover what’s missing on the inside.  It’s trusting the process of what is seen and unseen.

The magic happens when you find that balance. Inspiration and insight shine through and life unfolds with greater ease and joy.

I want that for you and I know you do too.

So let’s strive to have that balance, shall we?
Lots of love,

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P.S.  If you’re struggling to find that balance or a moment for yourself while you’re juggling everyone and everything else, let’s hop on a call and talk about some shifts you can make right away in your life.  You can book your call with me here.

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