The biggest advantage you have in life is this

There’s a simple strategy to get clear on your next best step without having to dwell on it for an eternity.

Because you’re smart and busy, doing so much for so many people (perhaps too much?), you don’t want to be wasting your time 
spinning your wheels trying to make a decision.

Without clarity, it’s easy to make a decision and then second-guess your decision a short while later.

That’s a sure way to experience…

  • uncertainty
  • self-doubt
  • hesitation
  • self-sabotage
  • confusion
  • resistance
  • massive hits to your confidence

Without even mentioning the tremendous time and energy that’s consumed with that wobbly thought pattern, unless you have a clear pathway, I daresay the impact you’re meant to have in life is way too important for you to be spending so much time frustrated, disappointed, and overwhelmed.  

You don’t have time to be messing around with things that aren’t working, make you feel bad, or won’t help you in the end.

Clarity and decisive action will give you the biggest advantages you can have in life.

Clarity of what you don’t want, clarity of what you do want, and the ability to make a decision will kick your life into high gear (without the overwhelm and burnout).

Your insight and clarity will help you shift into greater:

  • self-belief
  • action
  • alignment
  • direction
  • allowing
  • high confidence

Because of that, you make changes. You take action, change your story, clear unwanted thoughts, and clarify your desires.  You say yes to opportunities.   You discover the courage to listen to your deepest self and inner callings so you can be inspired to live your truth and say yes to yourself.

So instead of getting stuck, you propel yourself forward.  Fast.

When it comes to making a decisionif you’re getting stuck in analysis paralysis or simply don’t have all the details, don’t let yourself linger in that uncertainty for long.  A cost-benefit analysis can help you identify the best choice that will allow you to respect yourself, your worth, and your goals.

It’s a systematic method of determining your next best step based on the pros and cons that will occur for each choice that could be made.  When you’re emotionally too close to a situation or aren’t aware of all of the possibilities that come with a decision, this tool will help you feel confident to make a decision and stick to it because it provides tremendous clarity. 

So you can start to ask yourself…

“Will I reach my health goals if I don’t work out today? What happens to my confidence if I do it even if I don’t want to?  Who will not like it if I change my lifestyle habits?  What won’t happen by me sticking to my exercise routine?  


“What happens if I say no to continuing this relationship?  What’s the cost if I stay in this relationship?  What doesn’t happen if nothing changes?  What happens if it all changes?”


“What is the benefit of taking on this additional project or client?  What won’t I be able to do if I say yes?  What won’t happen if I say no?  What will?”

Then once you make your decision with your head, be sure to check in with your heart for congruence and tap into your body’s intelligence to gain even more clarity on how your decision feels to you..

So what about you, ?

–> Would you enjoy the clarity and confidence that comes from making powerful decisions so you can live the life you’re meant to live but you’re not sure where to start?

–> Maybe you’re tired of trying to figure it all out on your own and want a roadmap to guide you toward inner peace and deep fulfillment?

You know you’re meant for so much more.

You don’t have to figure it all out on your own. Let’s connect and we’ll give you the insight and clarity you need so you can take your next best step.

This is exactly what I can help you with to shift from confusion and overwhelm so you can create the life you were born to make.  Click here to book a call and let’s talk about what your dream lifestyle looks like. 

Krysti  xo

P.S. My signature program is specifically designed to help you shift your life so that it works for you (rather than you working for it). This is the kind of deep support and guidance will transform your life. 

If you’re ready to have someone in your corner who can see a bigger picture for you, hold the vision of who you’re meant to be, and give you the step by step plan to make it happen, then let’s talk about how I may be able to support you.

Here’s a helpful list of my most popular resources…

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