My Birthday Gift to You

Growth… and change.  No matter how much we may try to run from it or run toward it, change and growth happen when they are supposed to.  When we are ready and when it is time for that next “great thing.”  No amount of rushing or resisting will hold it back for any of us because we are all on that path of evolving into something bigger and more magnificent than we once were.

For me, it seems that these themes are magnified in my life right now.  My daughter started a month-long kindergarten prep class last week.  As you can imagine it has been a new and exciting experience for both of us so far.  As with any new and significant life change, it can be bittersweet as one chapter ends and another opens.  But that’s generally how it is with everything.  When you are about to step into the unfamiliar, it’s a great opportunity to reflect back upon those things that were treasured so that you can discover new ways to incorporate them into your new situation. 

It’s also my birthday this week.  This year, I wanted to do something I’ve never done before to start my new year around the sun by trying new things and stretching and growing.  Pushing my own boundaries and comfort zones.  That’s the best – and fastest – way to move forward, right? 

So, now that I have more time on my hands (what did I do with all my time before my child!?), I’ve created a webinar/teleseminar on…

10 Steps to Your Best Self  <<< Reserve Your Spot

Make sure you go to the above details page and reserve your spot on my complimentary webinar taking place Tomorrow July 17 at 12 pm Central titled:  10 Steps to Your Best Self   

After you’ve registered and left your best email address, you’ll be immediately sent all the details to access my incredibly powerful and easily implementable training.

I’ve also recorded many other Wellness Tools that are available at

You’ll find them when you scroll down a little – they are on the right side near my picture.  I’d love your feedback on them as well as other suggestions for what you’d like to know about.  Please comment on my website blog.

Remember, reserve your spot now and learn how to unlock your potential and experience your possibilities!

>>> 10 Steps to Your Best Self  7/17 @12:00 pm CST

All the best,


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