Stay true to yourself and your vision

Everything you want is a breath away.

The future you see for yourself, the longings in your heart, the whisper of an idea, the bigger purpose you feel pulled you toward…

If you have the vision, you innately have the ability to manifest it into your experience.  It’s a law of the universe, like gravity or electricity.  You don’t have to understand how it works, only that it does work and it’s a truth you can have faith in.

But it’s easy to get distracted with the pressures of the day, the expectations of others, and the endless stream of shiny objects that scream for your attention and block your true desires.

Things that make sense to your mind might abandon your heart in the process.  When that happens, all the logic in the world can’t soothe the hole left behind when you forgo inspiration and your true calling, and leave what matters most behind.

Self-doubt and negative mental chatter can take you down and hold you back if you let it.  Your fears and subconscious programming can overpower you if they are left unchecked.  You can lose yourself and your way if you aren’t alert to the signs.

But you are bigger than your fears and your calling is stronger than your doubt.

You can squash them when you stay true to yourself and shift your focus to your vision.

Staying true to yourself means respecting your own authentic voice and allowing it to be heard and honored. That requires you to speak up about your needs and desires.  As a result, you become compelled to follow your own path and make your own decisions, regardless of the opinions of others.

It means making yourself and your relationship with yourself a priority.  As you give yourself permission to take up more space and time for the way you’d like to feel and the things you wish to create, you’ll experience greater confidence, healthier boundaries, and a stronger self-image that empower you to continue saying yes to yourself and the bigger vision you hold for your life.  That deepened connection you develop with yourself will naturally create more intimate relationships with others and your inner desires.

Shifting your focus away from fear or limitations calls for great discernment and self-discovery about what you want in (and from) life.  Your faith and belief in the importance of your vision will help you gain clarity on your next steps as it eliminates any underlying uncertainty and confusion.  The path before you becomes more readily identifiable as you weigh your choices based on its alignment with who you’re meant to be and the mission you feel called to create in life.

After that, it’s simply a matter of action and following through with the things you have chosen.

I know you want to be all in this year, , to play big, and to make some magic happen.

You’ll experience more of your fullest potential and achieve the personal, financial, and professional fulfillment you desire when you release the limitations that have been holding you back.  You’ll be able to make the impact you feel inspired to make.

I want that for you, to experience your spirit’s pull for expansion and deeper meaning, and I know you want that, too.

It is only through living your purpose and your passions that you’ll be able to feel fulfilled and make a bigger difference in the world.

When you do, you’ll experience success on both the inside and the outside like never before.

Are you ready for it?  It’s ready for you.

Sending lots of love,

P.S.  I made a new (no-cost) training for you to help you implement these concepts.  Click here to watch this 3-part video series and discover how to experience deeper meaning and greater fulfillment in your life.

Each video is under 10 minutes so it’ll be quick and easy for you to watch.  You’ll get so much value and insight from them, so pop over there now to get clear on what you want.

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