Your biggest opportunity to change you life

You have great power within you but it’s possible you’re not tuned into it as much as you can be.

The belief that you are powerless is one that’ll keep you stuck in a lifestyle that no longer fits your desires, causing you to struggle to find happiness and fulfillment, and to sacrifice your needs and wants for everyone else.

It’s the one that causes you…

  • to stay in the relationship longer than is best for you
  • to work harder than you need to, overworking and overdelivering because you haven’t been able depend upon others in the past
  • to neglect your health because other priorities are more important to you

When you’re feeling powerless, you dim your light and make yourself smaller as you try to accommodate situations that are out of alignment with who you’re meant to be.  Things fall through cracks.  You miss opportunities for growth and end up putting your time and attention into things that are not best use of your time.

As a result, you’re not as financially secure as you’d like to be, your relationships with your loved ones are suffering because you’re not fully present, and there’s an underlying discomfort that you seem to be always trying to quell.

There is a better way.

The biggest opportunity you have to change your life for the better, no matter what is taking place in your current lifestyle, is to claim more of your power.

No matter what your choices have been in the past, you can choose again in each new moment. 

You can chart a new course that will take you even closer to living your best life by becoming the best version of you that you can become.  You’ll align more deeply with your highest potential.  You’ll be able to get back to living your life again, regain your energy, and make a difference in the lives of your loved ones as well as your community.

Here’s how to do start transforming your life:

Decide what you want.  Once you have a clearer understanding of what you truly want to experience in your life, you can systematically identify the details and plan to accomplish it.

Create stronger boundariesWith your ideal outcome in mind, determine what you need to say no to more often, and what you need to cultivate more of so you have a greater freedom and flexibility to do the things you want to do.

Practice gratitude.  Showing appreciation and thankfulness for the blessings and experiences you already have in your life will open the spiritual door to welcome more to be grateful for in your life.  The more you can be grateful in your present life, the greater joy you’ll feel, increasing the speed with which the Universe will deliver more to you.

Keep making powerful choices. Remember that in every moment you are determining your present and your future outcomes.  Stay focused on the desires you have for yourself and your life so all your choices can come from a place of faith, purpose, and love rather than from fear or limitations.

Believe in yourself, and your desires, and let yourself choose an even better choice than the ones you’ve been making.

I believe in you.

Wishing you all the best,

P.S. Hit reply and let me know your plan to reclaim your power (and your life).  I’m happy to be in your corner as you stretch and grow.

If you’re ready to talk about how I may be able to support you to help you break through any resistance so you can get there faster, Book a no-cost call here and let’s explore what that would look like for you to fully align all areas of your life.

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