We all want more. More for ourselves. More for our families. More for our lives. We want the ability to have more, be more, discover more, and do more. We want this life to be as full and enriching as we can possibly imagine it to be. Greater than that even.
We know intuitively that we are capable of greatness that we cannot even fathom. Yet we often allow this wisdom to be diminished. We get sucked into the drama of every day life and our connection to ourselves can become somewhat veiled. But our spirit continues to call to us, and as we travel this journey back to ourselves, it is one of awakening…
“We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.”
When we move beyond our own expectations of what we perceive we can or can’t do, we will find ourselves sitting in a fabulous space with a newfound confidence in ourselves and our abilities; our environment and surroundings will also be impacted because when one thing is changed, the whole thing changes as well.
Just imagine how wonderful that will be…
To believe in yourself…
To know that you are the best that you can possibly be…
For all to see… especially you!
This is no longer a dream for a better life. It CAN actually happen… to you! (Yes you)
Best of all, you’ve already begun the journey.
It is possible to live a purposeful life without restrictions. The person that you aspire to, that you know you were meant to be, already lies within you. Just waiting for the opportunity to step forward.
“If the idea of having to change ourselves makes us uncomfortable, we can remain as we are. We can choose rest over labor, entertainment over education, delusion over truth, and doubt over confidence. The choices are ours to make. But while we curse the effect, we continue to nourish the cause.”
But you have a choice. You always have a choice.
I invite you to allow yourself to discover your limitations and blocks so that you may blast through to a life of your dreams. Once you truly develop a cooperative and nurturing relationship with your inner-self, it will lead you to a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life.
Joy, happiness, fulfillment, and peace are not something you have to strive for. They are simply your birth rights and part of you already. Seek your power within; for it is only there that you may truly become whole.
Allow yourself to regain your center and believe in yourself again. It begins with rediscovering your confidence.
Reclaim those things as your own.
Wishing you all the best as you unlock your potential and experience your possibilities!
P.S. I cried when I first experienced this and I hope it will move you just as deeply. It is a video of things that we all long to hear, need to hear, and can never heard too often. It’s beautiful. Just like you. Please do this for yourself and watch – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWi5iXnguTU