When change knocks you off course

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

— Dr. Wayne Dyer

Now that fall is inching it’s way closer to us, it’s easier to reflect upon the past few months of summer.  Summer is typically a time of outward expression and feeling the liveliness and expansion in all that we do.  It’s as if our inner shadows are hidden by the bright sun.  But as we start to shift into fall, we begin to take stock in where we are with everything.  We begin to assess all those things that will support, nourish, and sustain us throughout the coming winter season.

It is at this transition point from summer moving into fall when we can look back and discover the gifts that summer brought us.  Sometimes when we reflect upon our journey we are filled with wonderful memories that will continue to sustain us for many months and beyond.  Other times we recognize that we experienced the storms of summer that threw us off course.

So, what do we do then when we are knocked off the path we were traveling upon?  The answer is simply the best that we can.  That is all anyone can ever ask of you.  But if you’re looking for deeper guidance on how to navigate these moments when the whirlwind is carrying you to some place different than where you intended to go, then it’s time to go deep.

Deep inside that is.  Down to that place within your deepest self that has the ability to recognize the perfection of this departure from your conscious wants.  Recognizing that despite our best efforts and intentions, our Spirit and Source have something else planned for us.  After all, we are on a spiritual journey… and those type of journeys take us to places we could never imagine for ourselves, and give us opportunities and lessons in circumstances we wouldn’t even dream about.

Because when we’re knocked off course by something that is bigger than us, the question then becomes how do you move forward?  Do you revert to the original plan and take steps to regain your lost footing?  Or do you begin to forge a new path that is different from the old; a new path that may be startlingly different or perhaps just slightly different from the old, but still different nonetheless.  Regardless, we still have to determine how to set forth.

In those moments the best thing to do is to get still.  Get still… get quiet… and listen.  Allow yourself the opportunity to have the upheaval released from within.  You can’t hear anything if there is too much noise.  Then once you’ve gotten still, it’s time to get quiet and listen.  Listen to the guidance that comes in many forms.  It may come from a teacher or mentor who speaks in a way you can hear, or it might be an animal bringing it’s hidden spiritual meaning that is relevant to your situation, or it could be from the voice within that is ever present.  But when we do receive our guidance, we have to be in a place where we can actually hear it.  We must allow ourselves the opportunity to listen to the wisdom that is for our best and highest good.  Then we must act upon that guidance.

The thing is that when we have discovered the truth, we know it.  We can feel it within our Soul and know that it is how we must move forward.  And with that certainty comes a sense of peace.

I wish you all the best as you unlock your potential and experience your possibilities.


P.S. I’d love to hear your comments – leave them below

P.S.S.  My coaching and hypnosis has been completely virtual for the past few months now.  If you’re ready to start diving deep with me, send me a message and we’ll see how I can help.

P.S.S.S.  Last weekend one of my greatest teachers, Dr. Wayne Dyer, passed away.  He articulated his wisdom in a way that I could understand and validate at my deepest levels, and in doing so, his teachings helped to lift the veil of confusion revealing truths my soul knows to be true.   I encourage you to read (or re-read) some of his work and allow this great teacher to impact you in a new way.  Who has impacted your life?  You can share your comments about your personal teachers below.

***Recommended for YOU***

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