Looking back to look ahead

Looking back to look ahead

Celebrating your accomplishments and reflecting upon how you’ve navigated challenges puts into perspective how far you’ve grown and the life path you’ve just experienced. This practice helps you to close the year on a positive note and consciously...
Why you need to honor the sacred

Why you need to honor the sacred

It’s there in every moment. Sometimes we choose to turn our backs to it, but the sacred never leaves us. It is in us and around us, always. In honoring the sacred, you honor the perfection of what is, what was, and what will be. You honor the magnitude of your...
How to revise your life with more peace

How to revise your life with more peace

Often the only reason we don’t make a change is because we don’t think it’s possible. Yet thanks to our brain’s ability to rewire itself, we have the ability to create new beginnings, new opportunities, new aligned outcomes. Through...
How to predict the future

How to predict the future

So many people leave their lives up to chance. They respond to the events happening around them and feel a loss of control.  The bigger picture they’re longing for in their heart feels elusive and out of reach. Maybe you, too, have felt trapped on a hamster...

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