Are you about to hit the wall? Here’s what to do

This past week I had conversations with many amazing women for a new project I’m working on.  They were high-achieving, high-powered women who have built a successful career for themselves.

And they’re all about to hit the wall.

Burnt out, overwhelmed, and in constant motion.
Trying to stay one step ahead, doing it all with one hand in everything.
No time for relaxation.  No time to themselves.

Does that sound familiar for you, too?

It’s a terrible feeling when you’ve been sacrificing and settling in the biggest of ways – when you’ve disconnected from who you know yourself to be.  Not able to be the mom or woman you want to be.  The relationships with your kids suffer and your marriage won’t last the way things are.

It’s hard to stop when you’re body is living on adrenaline.  Your body tells you in so many ways it can’t go on.  It gives you those stress headaches, weight gain, and a heart that feels like it wants to run a marathon.

It’s hard when you feel you’ve lost touch with your Self.  Like you’re lost somewhere in all the ‘doing‘.

So what do you do?

You schedule time to figure out exactly what your priorities are.
You get clear on what your non-negotiable requirements are.
You create a plan to start shifting things in your life so that you can recognize yourself in the mirror again.
Then you implement that strategy every-single-day until your life feels like your own.

But the first thing you need to do is to decide that something has to change.
Without that nothing changes, and sooner or later, you’ll hit the wall.
Be willing to change before it comes to that.

I’m rooting for your success!

Lots of love,

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P.S.  Oh, about that new project I’m working on… I’m launching something very soon that’s going to be super amazing and completely transformational.  It’s like nothing I’ve every offered before and I can’t wait until I can share it with you.  You’ll definitely want in.  Hit reply if you want a sneak peak.

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