Fighting Transition?

Are you in the midst of a transition? Are you fighting to keep things as they once were?  Don’t know how to embrace your new situation?

This is something many of us can relate to.

We want to keep things as they were.  The way things felt comfortable, safe, and known.  They may not always have been easy, but you knew how to live it.

But this new way of life you find yourself facing is not something you feel ready or willing to handle yet. So instead, you fight to keep the old or avoid dealing with it, hoping it’ll go away. You feel off-balance, uncertain, and your confidence is definitely taking a hit.

Good news: This is a beautiful opportunity to lean more deeply into trust and purpose.

It’s time to coddiwomple!

Coddiwomple means to travel purposefully toward a vague and as-yet-unknown destination.  Beautiful, right?

When we step into the unknown, we can travel purposefully with our purpose guiding us.  We don’t need to know where we’re going, only that we’re walking on the path that’s for our best and highest good.  We can allow our lives to unfold naturally, regardless of whether it’s easy and clean or difficult and messy.  We can travel purposefully.

We can be fully present in every situation and encounter, every conversation and experience, not needing to know the “how” or “why” of it, just content to trust our journey.  Content to trust ourselves, our abilities, and our life purpose enough to know that all shall be well.

It will all unfold in the most beautiful way, so that when we look back upon it with reflection, we can witness the divine choreography of it all.

I invite you to coddiwomple more and discover how your life shifts for the better.

Much love,

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“This one session did more than a year in psychotherapy… it was amazing!”  – Harry

Hypnosis is powerful.  It cuts through all the rationalization and justifying of why your life is the way it is, and gets to the core of what is taking place. It shifts your thoughts and beliefs at a deep level where they originate so you don’t have to use your will power to make changes.

Will power never lasts long-term anyway.  Yet the effects of hypnosis can be powerful and last a lifetime.  Just like my client, Harry, discovered during our work together.

It worked for Harry.  It can work for you too.


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I believe in you.
I believe in your dreams.
I believe in the person you are becoming.

You are good and kind and pure.
Your life has purpose.
You have meaning and value.
You are meant to impact the world in ways you cannot imagine.

It’s time to get down to business.
It’s time to take off the masks and be the best you can be.
It’s time to step into the fullness of who you are.

You are safe in the storm.
You are safe in the sunshine.

One new thought can change your perspective.
One new perspective can change your actions.
One new action can change your conversations.
One new conversation can change your life.

Are you ready for that conversation?

Apply for your call here


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