You can’t find, much less live, your purpose if you’re settling for less than the beautiful life your heart longs for.
You can’t embody authenticity if you’re second-guessing yourself or holding yourself back.
You can’t experience your potential if you’re stuck repeating old patterns and programs.
Your ability to let in the consciousness of your soul is in direct proportion to your freedom and joy.
When you think and move from the level of your soul, there’s a certainty that flows within you. You feel the peace and expansion within guide you through all your moments so that you are led by deep fulfillment and satisfaction.
Achievements and efforts become less important as you honor the callings from your highest Self. Your focus shifts from the desire for external validation to internal celebrations of who you really are and the impact your life creates. At the same time, your alignment compels beauty, blessings, and wonder to easily come to you.
You can sit with yourself and feel at ease. Not because you’ve done anything but because you are anchored in the moment.
In the stillness of each moment you can tune into the wisdom of your soul and be led by your inner insight and intuition.
Magic happens when you awaken to the beauty of where you are and allow yourself to be guided to where you’re meant to be.
Let your life be in service to your soul’s purpose.
Let your mind align and advocate for your success.
Let your heart discover the love that is here for you – love for yourself, for others, from the Source of creation.
You will find your purpose as you lean into your truths.
When you shed the limitations, the doubts, the reasons to justify living a life less than the one you were born to live… you will be free.
When you embrace your worth, your importance, your passions that uplift you… you will know the true meaning of success.
When you no longer wait for Someday and start living your dreams today… your life will transform beyond measure.
Your real identity, purpose, and impact are on the other side of your excuses, self-sabotage, and avoidance.
There’s so much goodness waiting for you.
It’s ok to reach for it (you deserve it).
The world needs you (who you are is so important).
This moment is what you’ve been preparing for.
Let yourself rise to meet it.
Lots of love,