Here’s how you tell it’s time to go ALL IN

I found myself face down on the floor.  My cat climbed over my back and settled himself between my legs in an attempt to soothe me.  I was so dizzy, I felt like I wanted to throw up and/or cry.  I did cry actually.

I had just finished serving and supporting so many high-achieving women as they dove deep into their mindset and stepped into a bigger version of themselves.  It is so beautiful to witness the transformations that come when you help someone to get out of their own way and truly embrace the vision they hold for their future.

And I had also just spent the week diving into my own vision and beliefs and had been inspired to take bigger and bolder actions myself.  Pieces came together for me in ways they hadn’t before and the magnificence of my soulful mission became crystal clear.

Like so many women, I was working long hours and had been feeling the constant pressure of being the family’s breadwinner, child rearer, and homemaker.  I needed more freedom to take a step back but the time wasn’t always right.  Some things were falling through the cracks and I wasn’t always living up to my own expectations or those from my family.

I was starting to feel a sense of underlying unease that there was so much I still wanted to accomplish but didn’t have the tools to make it happen quickly or easily.

Which lead me to lying face down on the floor with a cat between my legs.

I realized I had gone as far as I could go with what I knew and once again came to realize there is still so much I know I don’t know (not to mention all the things I don’t know I don’t know).  I knew I needed a deeper level of support to help elevate me to my next level in life.  I knew I needed to go deep – real deep – so that I could have a more profound understanding of exactly what I needed to do spiritually and strategically as I moved forward.

Perhaps you’ve come to the same realization yourself lately?

The energetics of this insight then came together for me in a deep soulful experience of my work and life’s impact, and the friction from the limitations of what my current knowledge and actions would allow me to experience.  I needed to make a massive shift.

Through my body came the gift of clarity, insight, and direction.

The intuition and guidance you have from within is always available to you.

I needed to take a leap of faith, stretching way beyond my comfort zone, and more completely embrace the life and legacy I was born to have.

The leap required me to say yes to myself more deeply than I ever have before in my life.  And as it so often happens, once I did I felt tremendous peace and certainty.

Are you ready to take the same leap of faith as I did and go ALL IN on the fullest expression of who you are meant to be?

I can assure you, you are worth it.

Sending you so much love,

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P.S. Ready to stop burning the candle at both ends and live the life you’re meant to live?  If you’re ready to stop feeling mentally drained, physically exhausted, and spiritually depleted and actually create a life that inspires you and honors your soul, then it’s time for us to talk.

I just opened up space for some free 30 minute consultations – within this session we can figure out what you’ve been struggling with and a plan to help you move on.
Book your call with me here.

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