How to know if it’s time to take the leap of faith

There’s a calling in your heart that’s asking you to do something important… But you’re not doing it.

Perhaps you think there might be more for you but you aren’t clear on exactly what that is.
Perhaps you’re not as far along as you’d like and you wonder if you’re even worthy of your goal.
Perhaps you’re not taking the leap because you’re afraid to lose the success you already have.

Maybe for you it’s…

  • Leaving your corporate gig so you can start your own business following your passion.  
  • Writing a book so others can learn from the insight and experience you’ve gained.
  • Ending your relationship because you know you deserve so much better.
  • Losing the weight so you can feel as beautiful on the outside as you do on the inside.
  • Moving to the house on the beach so you can feel inspired every time you walk out the door.

It doesn’t matter what it is. Whatever keeps whispering to the deepest parts of you is asking for attention and expression.  It’s a divine impulse meant to manifest through you. Yet the longer you resist or delay, the more it’s costing you.  

It’s costing you

  • The loving, intimate relationship you want.
  • Years of not having the health and lifestyle you want.
  • The money you could be earning by something that truly inspires you.
  • The impact only you can create in the world.
  • Not to mention the hit your confidence takes each time you fail to act upon your inner desires.

You’ve tried to do it on your own but it hasn’t worked out yet. It’s hard to stay accountable to your dreams, avoid your blind spots, and fully step in to your inner vision to create an extraordinary life because there’s a lot of self-doubt that comes up when you’re on the cusp of embracing a bigger and more aligned version of yourself.  Things like:

  • Am I good enough?
  • Is this the right time?
  • What will they think?
  • Will I be successful?
  • Who do I think I am to do this?

Your mind will try to convince you that it’s best to delay.  You might tell yourself you’re not ready, you’ll just wait until the kids are in (or out of) school, you’ll wait until you have enough money in the bank, until the project is finished, until you lose 10 pounds…

But what all that really comes down to is letting your fears or uncertainty control you.  Until your faith is greater than your fear, you’ll continue to self-sabotage your best efforts.  And the longer that goes on, the more regret and disappointment you’ll have wondering how your life would have been different if you’d just taken the leap.

When you keep coming back to the same idea over and over again, it’s time to take the leap of faith and follow your inner guidance.  It’s time when the quiet whisper grabs hold of your heart and you have that intuitive knowing that this is something you need to do.

You don’t have to know all the details of HOW you’ll make it happen, you only have to know that you WILL make it happen. 

Don’t let the dreams and legacy you hold in your heart slip farther away than ever.  Lean into who you are, who you are becoming, and the impact you’re in this world to make.  Write it out so you can feel as if you were really there already.  Create it first on the inside so you can you live it on the outside for real.

Then take that leap of faith, and take the first step toward making it come true.
Today is a good day to take that first step.

No more settling for good when you can go for great, OK?  I’m cheering you on and can’t wait to see what you create with your life when you go all in.

Sending love,

P.S. Maybe you know what you want, but you need help getting there. If you’d like an honest conversation about your situation and where you’re getting stuck taking that leap, then let’s chat.  We’ll talk about your next best steps and figure out a way to solve it (for good) so you can create a life and legacy you love, and live your highest potential. 

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