Is karma coming for you?

As the saying goes, “Life is like a box of chocolates… you never know what you’re going to get.”

Your best laid plans can surprise and delight you or make you wonder where it all fell apart. For better or worse, things often tend to happen that cause your plans to go a bit off course from your original intentions.

Is it karma, divine orchestration, or just plain the luck of the draw?

Someone asked me recently if the health diagnosis they were experiencing was karma catching up with them. They questioned if they’ve lived in such a manner that they deserved to have a negative situation thrust upon them as punishment for the wrongdoings they had done.

Others have questioned who they are to have such good fortune rain down upon them. They couldn’t comprehend what made them so worthy to have such abundance and blessings while others experience so much hardship.

You will notice, in life and in yourself, what you choose to see.

Additionally, much depends upon how you view the source and consciousness of creation. Consider whether your beliefs allow you to trust that the world is conspiring in your favor or if there is an aspect to it that must be feared.

Through the power of the mind-body connection, you are powerful co-creator in your life. Thoughts do become things. Your body transmits the vibrational frequencies of your state of being into the energetic field of the universe, which in turn mirrors it back to you through tangible experiences.

Yet your higher self is beyond the physical. It knows what is for your best and highest good, despite outer appearances. There are lessons your soul needs to learn that can only be understood and experienced when you walk through fire.

You can only embody something when you know it intimately.

Life will offer to you opportunities to stretch and grow.

You will be redirected. Your beliefs will be challenged. The ideas you hold about yourself will be questioned. If you choose to allow it, you will expand into a fuller and more authentic version of who you truly are when you learn to flow with “what is” and use everything in your life as a stepping stone to wholeness.

Then it doesn’t matter so much what the cause of something is because you can transform your challenges into opportunities and reshape your reality.

Celebrate this life you have been given.

The highs and lows.

The good and the bad.

The joy and the sorrow.

For within each of those moments lies the gift of presence and the ability to step more deeply into who you’re meant to be…

and who you are is magnificent and wonderful.

You deserve everything you desire, and so much more.

I’m here if you need help navigating your way back to yourself again.

Lots of love,


P.S. Looking for your next step?  Request a Soul Shift Call. One call can change your life – this just might be the one that does. Click here to book your SOUL SHIFT CALL today.  

Book a Card Reading. I offer a limited number of card readings each month to help gain insight into your situation, facilitate deep personal growth, and embrace your true potential. If you’re looking for a sign, guidance, or direction, click here to learn more

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