The secret to HONORING THE CALL within

It’s there whether you acknowledge it or not.

The truth of who you are, who you’re meant to be, and what you’re here to do never leaves you no matter what happens in life.  In fact, you are more intimately connected to this spiritual wisdom than you are to the breath in your body.

It is what you were born to do.
It’s something only you are able to do.
It is the impact you are meant to have upon this world.

We’ve learned to quiet this wisdom.
It happens gradually, but we’ve chosen to disregard the voice that tries to guide us. We’ve turned our back upon the gift within that will guide us. We think we know better until we find ourselves living lives that we barely we recognize from the dreams we once had.

Yet at one time, we were so deeply attuned to it, even if we don’t remember when that was. We followed the nudges we felt, said yes to the things that called to us, and invited more joy and pleasure into our lives.

Then somewhere along the way we decided we needed to fall in line with the expectations others imposed upon us of who we’re supposed to be, what we’re supposed to do, and how we’re supposed to live our lives. Our lives became a shadow of the colorful version we once envisioned for ourselves.

Yet all is not lost.
Despite everything that has happened along your journey in life, the whispers of your soul continue to be spoken. In every moment, there is an opportunity to lean more deeply into hearing this guidance, to act upon this wisdom, and be directed by spirit.

This guidance, this intuition, is not in some of us, but all of us.

As the outside world grows quieter, you can use this time as an invitation to tune more deeply within.  You can begin to use the silence as the prelude to a never ending conversation with your deepest self.  You can tap into the guidance that is conveyed through your thoughts, your feelings, and your inner sensations in every moment.

The secret to honoring the call… 
The secret is to listen.  The secret is to embrace and act upon this wisdom with your every breath.

When you allow yourself to be guided by this higher wisdom, your most authentic self, you will begin to live your life from a place of peace, power, and purpose.  Your life will begin to take on a new and different meaning than ever before.  You will begin to inspire others around you simply by your presence.  The old ways, the old excuses, will no longer hold you back because you are being lead, not by your ego, but by your essence.

When you are lead by this part of you, you cannot be lead astray.  But rather your life will unfold with all of the miracles and magic that only you can create.  I can’t wait to discover just what that looks like for you.

Big hugs and lots of love,

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In this week’s video, my cat, Muffin, makes a brief appearance before attempting to knock over my computer. Apparently she agrees that it’s so important to honor the call you feel within. It’s something I wish I had learned sooner, or perhaps more appropriately, gave myself permission to honor sooner. I wish the same for you.

I hope it is the inspiration you are waiting for…

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