If you’ve ever taken the time to download everything you need to plan, organize, or think about in order for you to achieve something, then you’ll love mind mapping. It’s a process that you use to identify and visualize all the details that impact an...
Truth be told, my family is driving me a bit bonkers. Maybe you can relate to feeling like this? Of course you love them more than words to say, and are so very grateful to have them in your life, but sometimes you just need time to yourself. Time to think without...
Signs, signs, everywhere there’s signs. Yet we often miss or misinterpret them unless they smack us in the face (sometimes we ignore them even then). Far too many people stay stuck at the proverbial fork in the road for so much longer than necessary. Maybe this...
Ever wonder why all those affirmations, vision boards, and positive expectations have failed whenever you’ve tried them? If you’ve tried everything you can think of to try to manifest a better life but you aren’t getting what you want, then...
Resistance is real. And super powerful. It can cause you to shrink away from the things you want to do, have, be, or experience. It can cause you to get distracted and side-tracked with other things that seem more important in the moment. It can cause you to...