The moment you realize that – you – are the biggest blocker of your own success is the moment life can fall into place easier. That’s when you realize you’re not a victim in life but rather a powerful co-creator of it.
You get to choose if you let your current situation control you or how you can a shift toward greater happiness. You get to decide if you’ll let your past fears or wounds determine your future outcomes. You get to determine what you think about yourself and how you’ll use your life and the gifts you’ve been given.
Despite the self-sabotage that so often derails ambitious women, it can be overcome because it really all comes down to this… it’s your life to use as you see fit.
The Universe (Source, God, The All That Is) will simply say yes to your desires, whatever they may be If you can overcome your own resistance, it will all be given unto you. Ask, believe in your heart that it’s already yours, and you shall receive the bounty of your heart’s desire.
BUT… most people in some way or another are blocking the receiving of what they want. They’re unknowingly stopping the flow of everything that is theirs by divine right.
The #1 thing you can do when you’re getting in your own way (whether you know it or not), is to decide what you want. Get super clear on the exact details of what success, happiness, and fulfillment would look like.
This simple act of clarity makes all the difference so that the Universe can begin to rearrange itself on your behalf, for your best interest.
So begin to allow yourself to imagine in great detail what success, happiness, and fulfillment would be like, if you were actually able to accomplish it.
Notice where you are and what you’re doing. Notice what your relationships look and feel like. Notice how you spend your time. Discover how it impacts your children and even the causes and community you love. Notice how you hold your body differently and how it feels and behaves in this ideal future. Become aware of your thoughts and ideas about yourself and how they, too, have shifted. Find something in this vision that will demonstrate your level of success at having achieved what you want.
Then from that place of success and accomplishment, identify the next step you need to take in order to move toward it from where you are today. Discover that one thing that needs to happen and do it today.
Take immediate action. Small consistent shifts will help keep you on course and pave the way for the large leaps forward that you can experience just as easily.
If you need help determining what you want, don’t know how to accomplish it, or need some accountability in reaching your goals, then let’s talk. Sometimes it’s hard to do it alone and the good news is you don’t have to. Let’s hop on a call so we can talk about what’s been getting in the way, your next best steps to take, and how I can help support you.
Just remember… Those dreams are inside of you for a reason. If any of this is resonating with you, it’s a nudge from your soul that it’s time to make them happen. Get clear, identify your next step, and take it.
I’m cheering you on!
Sending you so much love,
P.S. If you’re in overwhelm and stuck in inaction because you don’t know the next step to take, then click here. My new 15-page download will help you shift into greater clarity and a deep soulful connection with your spirit. It’s my gift to you.