Are You Sacrificing Your Self-Worth?

For over half of my life I struggled with self-worth.  I thought I didn’t have much value and that it would be best to fade into the background and not draw much attention to myself.  Like so many others growing up, the message I learned was that it’s best to be seen and not heard.

Those beliefs caused me to struggle for much of my life, well into adulthood.  I sacrificed myself and what was important to me because I didn’t want to rock the boat – at work or at home. I pretended what I wanted didn’t matter so that I could make others happy.

I wore a mask of happiness and success, but deep inside I wondered why I wasn’t able to be who I truly wanted to be or to share myself openly with transparency.

Yet at some point, we all must make a choice about what we want for ourselves.  My life started to shift once I began to understand that my intrinsic value didn’t come from anything I did or said, but rather who I was.

I learned that as I began to honor my own divine calling, things made more sense and life became easier.  I began to see how everything in my life had happened so that I could perfectly align with my purpose.  The divine synchronicity of all my experiences highlighted for me just how important I am in this world, and I embodied the understanding that the invisible force of God, the Universe, Source, All that is, is arranging the world for my best and highest good.

When you step into your worth, you feel a deep sense of personal and spiritual responsibility to live the life you feel called to live.

When you choose to honor your divine passions and potential, you act differently.

You’re no longer willing to sacrifice yourself because you connect more deeply to yourself and your life’s meaning. You get out of your own way and allow your thoughts and beliefs support and uplift you.

It’s no longer an option to settle for less or sacrifice your desires and delights because those things are exactly what you need to be pursuing. They are within you so that you can manifest them into the world.

It’s no longer an option to play small and hold yourself back because you know you have things to do and you want to make that impact or leave that legacy.

It’s no longer an option to have wobbly boundaries because you know you are deserving of the best (relationships, opportunities, experiences) and are committed to strengthening your sense of self in every way.

The option is only a deeper self-love and understanding of your innate value and worthiness.

Big hugs,

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P.S. You are worthy of such greatness, my friend. No more sacrificing yourself or your self-worth, OK?  If you need help, reach out.


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You don’t have to live with that non-stop worry, the knot in the pit of your stomach, and that underlying unease that oozes into everything.

You are not alone in your struggle.

There is hope, and a way to move from that chaos and into calm (regardless of what’s going on).

No more sleepless nights.
No more hiding behind your masks.
No more second-guessing your unique brilliance.

Let’s get you back on track to living with more purpose and passion.

No more doing it alone and wondering why it’s not working.
Let’s be strong, brave, and loving in getting the expert help we need.

No more feeling alone.
Let’s get you the clarity and confidence you need to chart the best course.

And, my sweet friend, let’s reclaim your power.
You’re success and fulfillment is more important than you know.

It starts with one free conversation. 

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