Developing a fierce determination to getting what you want

There’s a quote from Joyce Meyer that says, “I’m not where I want to be but thank God I’m not where I used to be.”

It’s taken me a long time to arrive where I am today, with the lifestyle freedom that allows me to do the work I love helping unfulfilled women live a divinely guided life so they can discover success on their terms, fulfill their life’s purpose, and make an impact doing what they love as they step into their highest potential.

I’ve come so far along my personal journey and have come to understand that our journey to self-love, worthiness, and full expression of who we are is never over.  

Perhaps you sense this truth, too?

Our unfolding will forever continue, bringing new layers of healing and deeper awareness of our truest Selves each time our old wounds surface.  

There’s a process that’ll help you shift and transform so you can allow this beautiful unfolding to continue rather than resisting whatever appears in front of you.

I created the acronym BADGE to help you stay in the moment when you feel triggered to play small, settle for less than what you desire, and fall into thoughts of self-doubt.  

Use it to open yourself to a greater awakening of how you’re holding yourself back so you can break through to claiming more of what you deserve in life.

B – Begin where you are.   You can only start where you are with your current mindset and consciousness so just accept it without judgment.  There is no point in wishing things were different or harming yourself with unkind thoughts.  Remind yourself that you’re doing the best you can with the knowledge, skills, and tools you have gained along your journey so far.

A – Acknowledge.  Become aware of the descent from your fullest potential into the smallness you’re currently experiencing.  If you’re not honest and willing to take full accountability, nothing about your situation will change.    Eliminate any shame and blame that may try to fill your mind, yet be brutally honest with yourself about the circumstances of your life and what you’d life to change,  And at the same time, allow yourself the opportunity to be grateful of where you are and of everything you’ve experienced to bring you to this place in your life.   Create an awareness of past conditioning and how your past wounds may be showing up.

D – Disrupt the pattern.   As you’re becoming aware of your triggers and protective responses, you’ll notice your tendencies to numb, blame, react, or fall into self-pity.  This is the time to disrupt those patterns your ego has created to keep you safe.  Those patterns block your connection to your inner self.

G – Grace to transform.   Give yourself permission to allow for grace and surrender into your transformation.  Do something different in place of the protective belief or behavior that’s no longer helping you.  If nothing is provided as a replacement you will fall back into your old patterns.  Make a new choice that comes from the mind of your heart and soul.  

E – Emerge.  Allow the unfolding of your real Self (your higher Self) to emerge.  Step deeper into knowing and believing in your innate value and worthiness to create a life you love.  With this soulful shift you’ll align more deeply with your life’s purpose and the impact you’re born to make.

You can think of this as your badge of honor, reminding you of what your soul already knows.

More than anything, you’ve got to believe in your importance and be single-mindedly and fiercely determined to get what you want out of life, or chances are you won’t be successful.  It’s a bold statement but your future deserves nothing short of pure conviction and inspired belief in yourself and your dreams if you want to turn them into reality.

So just remember that whenever something comes up in your life that’s a reflection of old wounds, it’s an invitation to continue toward deeper growth.

Use it as fuel for your inner fire to experience nothing less than everything you can possibly become and all that you deserve and be willing to 
walk through the hot fire of self-discovery to get there.

I’m cheering you on and know that you can accomplish anything (and everything) you set your mind to.

If you’d like support and guidance along your path of spiritual and personal growth, then I’d be honored to talk with you.  I want to teach you more of the exact methods I’ve used so you can release the blocks to your inner desires and awaken the greatness within you.

I’m here for you.
Lots of love,

P.S.  Let this be your personal invitation from me to you to live this next year with more confidence and clarity in your place in the world and what you are here to do in this life.  Book a call with me here now. 

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