Feathers falling from the sky

My family has recently experienced a serious health diagnosis, and it’s thrown a shadow of tremendous uncertainty and turmoil that’s already filtered into every aspect of our lives.

In an instant, everything can change.

Priorities, plans, prayers.
It all shifts.

Have you had anything like that happen to you when it feels like the rug has been pulled out from underneath you?

We often take the future for granted.
Our future.
The future of our loved ones.

We tell ourselves there’s plenty of time. But in truth, we don’t know how much time there is. All you can do is to live your best life and let yourself be led by your heart and soul.

The biggest lesson I’ve learned over the years is that you need to be true to yourself always. Love fiercely (yourself and others), strive for your fullest potential (to fulfill your purpose), and make the impact you were born to make (it’s something only you can do).

Let the all the judgments go of what you could-should-would have done “if only” things were different.

Life can be hard.

Relationships can fail.
Your finances can shift.
Your health can take a hit.

You can find yourself in an unexpected place quicker than you thought possible. You can be stuck and not know how to break through to the other side. You can lose it all and have to start over again.

You can feel beaten, betrayed, and broken.
You can also feel determined, devoted, and full of the desire to never give up.

Because it’s the life you have and it’s your responsibility to turn it into something wonderful.

And when you need guidance, be willing to ask for it.

As I was taking out the trash, pondering the next steps and the future that was to come for my family, I asked the divine for a sign that I was not alone in this journey. In that moment I needed to feel that it was all happening for a bigger purpose and that I was being held and supported by the unseen. Not but two minutes later, a brown feather fell onto my head and floated down in front of my eyes to land at my feet. The feather felt heavy like a nut when it struck my head and there was not a dove or any other bird in sight. (My ears ring loudly as I write this). I said thank you for the message and knew it to be the confirmation I sought that I was surrounded by grace.

Do you perhaps feel like you need a sign from the universe, ?

Sometimes we make things more complicated than they need to be. You don’t have to wait for feathers to fall from a clear sky. Guidance is all around you in every moment.

If you’re ready for some answers, here are some options to get you started:

🔮 Book a Card Reading. 
If you’re looking for a sign, guidance, or direction, click here to learn more. Gain insight into your situation, facilitate deep personal growth, and embrace your true potential.

💎 Schedule a Soul Shift Call. Let’s give you some clarity and a strategy to create a life you love. One call can change your life – this just might be the one that does. Click here to book your SOUL SHIFT CALL today.

🏖️ Let Someday Starts Today help you heed the calling of your spirit to do more, have more, and be more authentically who you are meant to be. Learn more here.

💜 Join The Sacred Soul. Connect with the deepest part of who you truly are, honor the longing in your heart that is asking for fuller expression, align with the person you’re meant to be, expand into your best and highest potential, and fulfill your soulful purpose. Join now.

Sending you so much love,

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