Are you already getting off-track?

Are you already getting off-track?

All too often, we find ourselves caught up in the energy of striving without actually considering what we truly want. Especially at this time of year when the pressure to make declarations of our intentions is strong. If you’re already feeling off-track, and the...
Your choices change everything

Your choices change everything

How do you make the most out of the year (and life) in front of you? So many people haven’t been taught or don’t understand what they need to do in order to become happier, more fulfilled, have better health, more meaningful relationships, or more...
New Year ritual to manifest an amazing 2023

New Year ritual to manifest an amazing 2023

The end of the year is an amazing opportunity to reflect upon your progress the past 12 months. It’s also an invitation to discover more of what you’d like to experience in the coming year. It’s a time to look back upon the past year and measure it...
Keep track of *this* to reach your goals

Keep track of *this* to reach your goals

No matter what you want to achieve, there is both a direct and easy way along with a winding and difficult path.  Which you choose depends upon your awareness and focus in each moment. Thoughts are the language of the mind.  They can feel good, uplifting, and...
New Year ritual to manifest an amazing 2023

You’ll stop putting out fires when you do this…

Years ago, I awoke before my eyes were open and listened to the soft sounds of the morning. Not a moment later, the weight of the world landed heavily upon my chest and I’d be sucked back into the endless cycle of overwhelm and constant frustration. The glimpse...

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