A shift in focus

A shift in focus

Sometimes you have to shift your focus a little to see what’s right in front of you. Since my daughter has been little, anytime she struggles to find something I’ve taught her to take a step back so she can get a new perspective. She knows that sometimes...
Someday Starts Today

Someday Starts Today

There will always be a million perfectly good reasons why you can’t do something.  Reasons why it’s not the right time, you aren’t ready, you don’t know how, or reasons and thoughts about what others would say or think.  The list is endless....
Authenticity, Transparency, and Truth

Authenticity, Transparency, and Truth

In my work with clients, I help so many people to live with more authenticity, transparency, and truth.  I teach them how to shine light on their shadows, take off the masks, and get real with themselves so they can stand tall in who they are and what they’ve...
Time to uplevel?

Time to uplevel?

Here’s the thing.  Sometimes life sucks.  Big time.You know what I’m talking about.  There are times when you can work your tail off and it looks as though you have nothing to show for it.  There are times when you do everything you think you are supposed...
You Have Permission

You Have Permission

Permission is a funny thing. When we are little, we long for permission as if it is connected to our ultimate joy or survival.  We rely upon someone outside ourselves to provide the guidance for what is best for us, to help us do the right thing and keep us from harm....
I’m being transparent with you… from my heart to yours

I’m being transparent with you… from my heart to yours

I’d like to be transparent with you, if I could. This last year I’ve been taking a really close look at myself, my life, and what I want to experience moving forward.  Much of what I found I am grateful for – there is so much to be thankful for in my life despite any...
From breastfeeding to nourishing the world

From breastfeeding to nourishing the world

This morning I was thinking back to the time years ago when I was breastfeeding my daughter. Without being anyone different than who I was, simply by offering what was inside of me, I was able to nourish and sustain a beautiful soul. Sure, it took some time to figure...
Is your will-power getting shaky?

Is your will-power getting shaky?

Crazy as it seems, we’re halfway through January already.  If you’re like most people who set resolutions at the beginning of the new year, chances are that your will power is getting a bit shaky around now. If you’ve started to falter a bit,...
New Adventures – the inner and outer

New Adventures – the inner and outer

It’s the eve of a full circle moment for me today. Two years ago I stepped out into the unknown and took a deeper stand for myself and my dreams than I ever had before. I resisted. I cried. I resisted some more. Then I decided I wanted more. I said YES to the...
There’s no time to waste

There’s no time to waste

Time is an interesting thing. When we’re young it seems to move at a snail’s pace.  The minutes feel like hours and an eternity can fit into the space of a day. Just ask any child to wait 15 minutes; it’s like fingernails on a chalkboard to them.  They can’t sit still...

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