The importance of making a choice

The seduction to settle into the standard way you’ve been living can be quite irresistible. There’s a level of intimacy that often develops with the discontent, stress, and discomfort you’ve been managing.

It’s safe. It’s comfortable and known.

Like a worn pair of shoes, it’s easy to fall into complacency with something that no longer fits, even though you know you should choose something better that will support you and help you move forward with greater ease and joy.  

It’s the same with making any decision.

First you need to understand how you’re wired to make decisions and then satisfy whatever is necessary to fulfill those decision-making needs.  

  • If you’re a high action-taker, it’s often about identifying how quickly you can expect results or how much of a game-changer it will be for you so you can easily say yes or no to the option in front of you.  
  • You might be wired to make decisions based on how you can help your family or help others so connecting to your potential relationship development and impact will help you identify if it’s a full-body yes or no for you.
  • If you’re the kind of person who needs to feel safe and protected from risk, you can lean into what you have to gain by taking action or what’s at stake that you might lose if you don’t.
  • You might be someone who likes to know as much detail as possible so doing your due diligence will allow you to feel certainty about the decision you make.

Empower yourself with whatever it takes to feel confident in your decision. Teddy Roosevelt once said, “In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.”

Not making a decision is deciding to keep things as they are without allowing yourself the growth or opportunities that come from making that decision.  It’s a costly and expensive option since indecision leads to inaction which in turn leads to self-doubt and internal criticism.  Because of that, indecision is one of the worst forms of self-abuse you can engage in.

So, once you know in your heart the best way to move forward, the next step is to actually make the decision. It doesn’t matter if you feel fear or resistance to making that decision or if you’re filled with excitement and eagerness about it.

The point is to choose what’s in your best interest that has the greatest potential for you to step more completely into who you are meant to be, and then to do whatever it takes to make that happen.  

Keep in mind, the place where your greatest discomfort lies is also the place where you’ll find your biggest opportunity.
Get courageous.
Get resourceful.
Get support.

You got this.  I believe in you.

Lots of love,

P.S.  Download my new FREE 15 page guide on how to get the clarity you need to live an inspired life. You’ll be able to immediately implement these steps in your life and begin to shift into that deeper place of connection with who you’re meant to be and the impact only you can make.  If you need support integrating these into your life, reply to this email and let’s chat.  

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