Those limiting beliefs could be stopping you

Sometimes doing that thing that your heart is whispering to you is the most terrifying thing in the world because you feel uneasy letting certain things go.

Your heart is saying, “Yes, do this!  Now is the time.” but your mind is saying, “No way, too many unknowns, and the cost will be too great.”

This is the point where your liming thoughts about who you are and why you’re here in this world collide with your faith and certainty about exactly those things.

It’s an uncomfortable place to be when you are being pulled in different directions.

Ultimately what needs to happen for you to avoid the frustration, burnout, stress, and overwhelm is to make a choice.  The act of choosing will allow your fatigue and discontent to transform into confidence and trust in yourself and the outer world.

Because when you are inspired from within or when the Universe presents the next big opportunity to you, it requires a bit of faith in making that leap into the unknown and trusting that the path will unfold before you easily.

The question is, what will you do and which will you listen to?

Will you allow your mind (ego) to take the lead? When presented with change and uncertainty, especially if it pushes you out of your comfort zone, your mind will present to you every possible reason why nothing should change and life should carry on as it has been.  It will justify for you why it’s acceptable to tolerate the unhappiness in your work or relationships or health or anything else it can come up with.  It will hold you hostage with your subconscious limiting thoughts, beliefs, and fears, never really allowing the opportunity to make meaningful change or to live your best possible life.

The alternative is to allow your spirit to guide your life.  Your deepest divine self will offer direction and clues on how to move forward.  It will inspire you to take action in ways that will stretch your comfort, yet at the same time feel exciting and aligned.  You will naturally have more energy, motivation, and purpose as you honor your callings, and because of this you’ll strengthen your relationship with yourself, the people you love, and the Universe itself.

It’s a choice that only you can make.  And you must be willing to make it over and over again until you are living the life you wish to live.

So let’s start shifting your inner resistance so you can stop sabotaging yourself, stop playing small and unworthy, and allow yourself to unlock the keys to your happiness and fulfillment.

Being completely open and honest, ask yourself (without criticism or judgement):

  • What do I want?
  • What am I willing to do to get it?
  • What if nothing changes?
  • What’s getting in the way of me listening to my heart?
  • How will my life change if I listen to my heart?

You may be surprised at what comes up and how you feel after answering these questions.  Clarity is the first step in creating a life that inspires you and honors who you truly are.

If you’d like some help in figuring out what your next steps are and you’re ready to solve the situation you’re in right now, then perhaps it makes sense for us to talk. Apply for a call today and let’s have a heart-to-heart conversation.

Lots of love,

P.S.  I’d love to share with you my newest training on how you may be getting in your own way (and what you can do about it).  Click here for access to the training and then let’s talk.  You’re heart is calling you for more…  you’re ready and the time is now.

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