There is a profound connection between spirituality and physical health. In order for your life to feel meaningful, there has to be purpose. Yet we often rush through our days, chasing and doing things without being thoughtful, without being mindful of whether or not...
You won’t just stumble into inner peace or wake up one day into a state of pure serenity. You have to actively choose it. And you have to keep actively choosing it until it becomes a way of life. It requires a set of thought patterns that allow you to set down...
In a world that glorifies the external markers of material accomplishment, the pressure to achieve, to reach milestones, to be “on time” can be overwhelming. We don’t always hear about what it takes to make your dreams come true, or even how to build...
There’s a calling in your heart that’s been asking for fuller expression. Have you heard it or has it been coming to you through other paths? While sometimes you know exactly what’s been trying to come through, at other times it feels uncertain yet...