Break through your barriers

Break through your barriers

You are worthy of everything your heart desires. But there’s a part of you that keeps blocking you from fully reaching it. Despite your best intentions, your efforts will only get you so far before your subconscious programming is activated to put a stop to it....
Break through your barriers

The #1 reason you have self-doubt

You can feel it in your body and see it in your actions. You’re about to have a difficult conversation and you feel your stomach tie itself in knots, your breathing becomes shallow, and your throat tightens as you start to speak. You’re about to put...
Sneaky self-sabotage blocks your results

Sneaky self-sabotage blocks your results

Something feels off. You can feel it in your gut, in your bones, in your heart.  You hear it in your thoughts and the words you say out loud. You see it in your actions that betray your end goals. You know what needs to be done, but you just can’t seem to find...
You’ll break the pattern when you decide what you want

You’ll break the pattern when you decide what you want

If you find yourself continuing to come up against the same obstacles, only in different forms, only ever reaching certain levels of happiness or success but never breaking beyond that familiar plateau, then you are stuck in a prison of your own making. It’s a...
Are you willing to pivot?

Are you willing to pivot?

Things don’t always work out the way you intend and life doesn’t always follow the picture perfect plans you originally set out for yourself… And that’s OK. Sometimes you change and the goals you set for yourself need to change as well. As you...
How to get out of your own way

How to get out of your own way

Wherever you go, there you are. 😃 So often when people are fed up with the way their life is going, they try to change something – their work, their relationship, their location… They try anything and everything to make themselves and their situation feel...
Resisting your resistance

Resisting your resistance

Avoidance, procrastination, uncertainty… they’re sneaky ways your mind will keep you stuck. Perhaps you’re thinking of starting that passion project you’ve been dreaming about for years, asking for the promotion you know you deserve, or...
Do the thing you don’t want to do

Do the thing you don’t want to do

There’s something to be said about doing the thing you don’t want to do. There’s a reason you’re resistant to doing it, whatever it may be. Your resistance is benefiting you in the short-term by offering you feelings such as safety, certainty,...

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